20 Jun Primary Advantage Summer Art Exhibition 2023: Identity
We are delighted to present our 2nd annual art exhibition to be displayed at Hackney Libraries created by children in the 8 Primary Advantage schools in Hackney.
Children across the 8 PA schools have created artwork inspired by the theme of “identity”, exploring what makes us individual and unique, and at the same time celebrating all we have in common. The children, from Early Years to Year 6, created paintings, ceramics, collages, sculptures and 3D mobiles.
The picture here shows our wonderful De Beauvoir Primary School painted by Y6 children there who wanted to express their strong collective identity as pupils of the school. Other children created self-portraits in a range of styles, such as pointillism, or inspired by artists such as Frida Kahlo, or by books they had read, such as Wonder. Please take the opportunity to visit the work if you can.
The exhibition is on display from June 2023 throughout the summer at the following venues:
Hackney Central Library: artwork from Morningside, St. John and St. James, Springfield and Gainsborough Primary Schools
Dalston CLR James Library: artwork from Holy Trinity, St. Matthias, De Beauvoir and St. John the Baptist Primary Schools