Access the school’s Ofsted and SIAMS Reports
Our most recent inspection took place in June 2023. View our latest report here.
As your feedback is always appreciated, we would like to direct you to Parent View, Ofsted’s online questionnaire which asks for your opinion on many aspects of your child’s school and education. Please click on the logo or title to open the link. Ofted’s website can also be found here.
The London Diocesan Board for Schools is a Christian organisation committed to supporting and nurturing Church of England schools in the London Diocese. They aim to promote an education which is consistent with the Church of England faith. All LDBS schools have a regular inspection that evaluates how distinctive and effective each school is as a church school. We had our statutory inspection (SIAMS) on the 28th of November 2016 and were graded as good in all areas.
View SIAMS Report