St Matthias C of E Primary School is a rights respecting school. This means we put the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) at the heart of everything we do. There are 54 articles in the convention; as a school we promote children’s rights and empower them to become global citizens. The UNCRC recognises that all children around the world are entitled to these rights.
Here is certificate that St Matthias have received in recognition of the fact that we are committed to promoting the rights of each and every child:
We have come a long way on our Rights Respecting journey, and in the Autumn term, we hope to secure our Rights Respecting Silver Accreditation award. We look forward to updating you on this.
Our St Matthias community is learning about our different rights and how we can make sure everybody has equal access to these. As a Rights Respecting school, we make sure that we learn and discuss our rights in assemblies, throughout our curriculum and in all that we do through the day. By teaching our children about their rights, we know that we are empowering them as young individuals As a school, we have made the commitment to make these rights a part of everything that we do. We are passionate about telling others just how important these rights are; look here to see what your rights are!