A list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) from our parents.
We have a number of members of staff that are trained First Aiders, including some who are paediatric first aid trained, who deal with cuts and abrasions. In dealing with cuts we may only use water. Please let us know if your child is allergic to plasters. If there is a serious accident, we will contact a Parent/Carer immediately, and if necessary will arrange for an ambulance to take your child to hospital. It is therefore vital that you keep the school informed of any changes of contact phone numbers of all nominated emergency contacts. The school phone is 020 7254 1148.
Children in year 6 may leave a phone at the front office after written consent from their parent. It must be delivered there at the beginning of the school day and collected at the end. It must be switched off during the school day. The school cannot take responsibility for any loss or damage..
Jewellery is not allowed, with the exception of watches, small stud earrings or a crucifix which remain the responsibility of the child.
The school cannot support parents who take holidays during the term time. However, if it is unavoidable that your child is to lose time at school for absence other than illness, please write to the Head Teacher requesting permission and this will be given due consideration.
Sweets and party bags are not permitted but you are more than welcome to provide a store brought cake, which has clear ingredients shown for allergy purposes.
Each Friday, one child from each class (Y1-Y6) who has stayed on green, is invited to have hot chocolate with a member of the leadership team. This is a great way to celebrate always doing the right thing.
Please speak with the Class teacher.
All school uniform can be brought from My Clothing online at https://myclothing.com. You can purchase from Parentpay and then collected from the front office. *School badge – £3.00 *Elastic Tie – £3.00 *Straight tie – £3.00.
Yes, you can make an appointment with the Admin and data officer for nursery and reception or pastoral support Manager for secondary schools, who will support you through the process and provide relevant information.
Children up until year 5 must be accompanied by an adult. If you wish for an older sibling to collect them or drop them off, they must be over 16 years of age and must have identification. Children in year 6 can walk home alone but only with written consent from the legal guardian.
We recommend a healthy packed lunch. It may include: a savoury sandwich, a cereal bar, fruit, salad, vegetables, yoghurt and water. Nut products, chocolate, sweets and fizzy drinks are not permitted.
Please ensure all items of clothing are fully labelled. We teach the children to look after their property. Ask the Class teacher or TA at the end of the school day who will try to help find the item.
Breakfast club is open from 8:00am – 8:30am and cost £1.00 a day.