Collective Worship takes place every day at school. It is an opportunity for us to:
– Reflect on key aspects of our school vision.
– Learn and inspire one another in an inclusive and inviting space.
– Consider how we can make a positive contribution to our school community.
– Learn, celebrate and partake in some of the traditions of our church.
– Grow spiritually through experience of prayer, stillness, worship and reflection.
Collective Worship Timetable
Monday – Leadership
Tuesday – In-class Worship
Wednesday – Led by Father David in St Matthias CofE Church
Thursday – Singing Assembly
Friday – Celebration Assembly
We base our Collective Worship on the LDBS Cycle of Collective Worship .
Here is an example of an In-Class Collective Worship: Collective worship slides (w4)
We come together in St Matthias Church to worship as a school.