In the Early Years, opportunities to develop fine motor skills are embedded within the continuous provision, for example through:
- Using tweezers to develop pincer grip
- Manipulating playdough to develop hand strength
- Stringing beads to develop hand eye coordination
- Tracing patterns and letters to develop letter formation
There are many more opportunities for pupils to mark make throughout the continuous provision too.
This is in addition to lessons and targeted interventions, where pupils:
- Practise writing printed letters and graphemes whilst learning their phonics in Read Write Inc. lessons. This is done through learning mnemonics.
- Practise writing words and sentences in literacy lessons
Letter formation using a tripod grip is always modelled and addressed in these lessons.

Year 1
At the start of year 1, cohort-dependent, pupils still need to practise their letter formation before progressing to using continuous cursive handwriting. They do this in their Read Write Inc. lessons and handwriting lessons (3 times a week) but it is modelled and addressed throughout the curriculum. Like in EYFS, pupils are taught to write in a printed script with no lead-ins or exit strokes, until they can securely write their letters.
From the spring term, pupils in year 1 start to use cursive handwriting, using lead ins and exit strokes, which follow the Letter-join handwriting scheme. This is modelled alongside an adapted version of the Read Write Inc. letters.

Years 2-6
It is an expectation that all pupils in KS2 write using continuous cursive handwriting, unless there is a significant need. From year 2 to year 6, all pupils follow the Letter-join handwriting scheme from the start of the academic year. Year groups will revisit learning from previous year groups to ensure letters are formed correctly and that letters are joined correctly, before moving onto increasing fluency.
Letter families are grouped together into units, which are taught at least twice a week.

Pupils practise patterns, letters, joins and sentences throughout the unit.
Handwriting is explicitly modelled on lined flipchart paper and poor letter formation and handwriting is addressed throughout the curriculum. Pupils are expected to rewrite words and sentences that are written poorly.
Progression in Fonts
When teaching and using printed resources, teachers use the following fonts on Letter-join:
- EYFS – Letter-join Print Plus
- Y1 until – Letter-join Print Plus until the Spring term; Air Plus and Letter-join Plus
- Y2 onwards – Letter-join Plus

Handwriting Timetabling
In order for handwriting to be taught consistently, the following times have been allocated to the following phases/ year groups:
- EYFS – daily handwriting practice in Read Write Inc. lessons and additional opportunities for gross and fine motor skill development throughout the provision
- Y1 – daily handwriting practice in Read Write Inc. lessons and additional opportunities for gross and fine motor skill development throughout the provision; 20 minute handwriting lessons, 3 times per week
- Y2 – 20 minute handwriting lessons, 3 times per week, in addition to daily handwriting practice in Read Write Inc. lessons for pupils who access this
- KS2 – 30-40 minute handwriting lessons, 2 times per week

Additional Handwriting Support
Handwriting interventions take place regularly to support pupils with their fine motor skills; letter formation and joins. Some pupils also have individual packs that they can work through independently during early work or at other points during the day.
Writing Habits
Pupils are encouraged to do the following, when writing:
- Use a sharp pencil or ink handwriting pen
- Use the tripod grip

- Sit correctly – pupils are taught to have the size of a closed fist between their tummy and the table

Pupils are set paper handwriting weekly, which is linked to the spellings they learn in class. As pupils progress through the years, scaffolds are reduced; however, teachers adapt homework to suit any additional needs a pupil may have.
Home Support
In addition to homework, we provide the following to support parents, carers and pupils when they are at home: