Our Safeguarding Team
It is our duty as a school to protect our children and to make them safe.
At St Matthias, we strive to:
- Create a culture and ethos, where children feel safe and secure; a place where they can be listened to
- Establish relationships with families that build on the understanding that it is the school’s responsibility to protect our children and that this could sometimes require the referral of individual children to other child protection agencies
- Give children the confidence to speak to adults and to feel comfortable to make disclosures to them
- Teach children appropriate expectations of interpersonal behaviour and strategies so they can protect themselves
- Provide training for all staff in recognising signs, symptoms and behaviours, which may cause concern.
- Establish good procedures and practices in relation to record keeping
It is our duty to safeguard and protect all of the children at St Matthias. We have a duty to observe, monitor and refer anything that concerns us to the Designated Safeguarding Lead of the Headteacher, who will then respond in accordance with our Safeguarding Policy. It is essential that all staff are vigilant when it comes to protecting our children.
Please click here to access our Safeguarding Policy as well as other Federation Policies.
To contact our safeguarding team, please email dsl@st-matthias.hackney.sch.uk