Homework at St Matthias
Throughout the school, we set and mark homework using Google Classroom. Homework is set every Friday, with the aim of children completing their homework every Wednesday. If you need any help accessing or using Google Classroom, please visit our dedicated help page here. For help using IXL, click here .
Some homework, especially in the Key Stage 1, is set with the intention that it is done with the guidance of a parent. As pupils move through the school, they will work more independently. However, all homework is most effective when supported by parental encouragement and supervision. As the homework set is intended to reinforce and support work that the child has done or is about to do in class, this is one of the most effective and easiest ways a parent can directly help their child at school.
Please access your child’s ClassDojo for homework for children in the EYFS.
Please click here to see a copy of our St Matthias Home School Agreement.
There is a homework club for up to 15 pupils from YR (5+)-Y6 every Monday to help with any home learning. Please speak to the office once club lists go out for the following half term, if you would like your child to attend.