Staying Safe Online
Year 6 had a session with Young Hackney earlier this week, where they learnt about different ways to stay safe online. Here are some of their excellent, informative posters.
We are so proud that so many of our St Matthias children love to write!
Here you will find stories, lyrics, reports, poems and much more.
We are so proud that so many of our St Matthias children love to write!
Here you will find stories, lyrics, reports, poems and much more.
Staying Safe Online
Year 6 had a session with Young Hackney earlier this week, where they learnt about different ways to stay safe online. Here are some of their excellent, informative posters.
One Word Poems
The Night I Couldn’t Sleep by Luna, Y4
Heaven by Latifah, Y6
Heaven is a great place
Heaven I would love to face
Heaven is a grace space
Heaven is better than earth
Heaven is an amazing place to birth
Heaven is self-worth
We are so proud of all the St Matthias pupils and the hard work they have put into their submissions for National Storytelling Week.
The pupils in Y6 have been practising their narrative writing.
Read their captivating stories below:
Noah did some incredible writing, advancing action through speech.
“So you’re the one who had the sheer courage to dare enter my haunted forest” said the psychopathic Vampierre, before he began the greatest fight of all time.
Noah replied, “That’s right and me and my friends are going to put an end to your long torturous reign!” And so began the battle to end all battles Vampierre began by summoning spikes and threw them at our heroes. But they used their absolute skill to dodge them and Noah managed to get the first strike.
We are so proud of the learning taking place in Writing Club!
Look at Ryaan’s amazing descriptive writing about superheroes.
The pupils in year 4 have been reading Charlotte’sWeb!
Winley has written a brilliant diary entry from Wilbur’s perspective. Well done Winley – we’re so proud of all of your hard work!
The pupils in year 6 have written some outstanding pieces this week, all based around disabilities, inspired by the book Wonder.
We are so proud of all of the hard work the year 6s have been doing and it is shown so clearly in their new class book.
Read their book here: ‘Overcoming Challenges’ by Year 6
This week, year 2 wrote some really descriptive poems based on Autumn.
Come to the office or into class and read the class book!
Read Sharon’s beautiful poem —>
Year 4 has written some really informative pieces of work about the digestive system! See Israel’s piece here.
We have created our own poetry anthology, inspired by Roald Dahl!
Click here to read all of our amazing poems.
Year 3 have written some really interesting fact files.
Check them out here:
We have a new poetry ambassador!
David I, in Y6, has a huge passion for poetry and has written lots of incredible poems. He will be sharing his top tips with the school next half term.
‘War’ by David I
War, a deadly disease where brother to brother fight against each other.
War, when people die for a useless show of power.
War, a bewildering experience where you must participate for your country.
War, a traumatising scar that lives with you as you remain in solitude.
War, where you see your fellow companions perish right in front of your eyes.
War, something in our generations that will not stop till blood has shed and will remain with us for time to come.
War, the smell of death in the air as soldiers leave this world with grief, hatred, regret and dedication for the fallen.
War, with great prizes if you stay alive and death if you don’t.
But your suffering is not in vain because you will always be remembered.
‘Anger’ by David I
Anger the emotion inside me just bubbling to come out
The wrath in my veins just waiting to burst
But can’t be glad enough to just walk away
Sometimes you fight and let it consume you
Sometimes I will just keep my cool
Anger always unpredictable but when the mind is at rest it will always go away
An incompetent thought that can keep in shambles or another thought that can overcome your troubles
Just keep your tranquillity and it will be alright
– A moment of madness awakes a moment of sadness – David I
‘Memories’ by David I
Memories, a core part of our life, they come as time goes by. A lovely thing to celebrate.
The nostalgic feeling in your mind when you see your soul grow because things never stay the same.
Memories, something to remember. It can be joyful, it can be sad; it can be anything that makes you smile. A moment when you can relive your past, a moment to recognise what we cherish with our lives in hopes that we will see that memory once again when you look back at your past and say that was me before this is me now.
Memories, an inevitable perception of life where everything around you stops and you see that minute when your life junctures into a new revelation and you feel like you’re a new person.
Memories, it can be graduation or your first time doing something new. A bemusing part of your life where it seems like everything is new and you just cannot fit them in.
Memories remind us of what we achieved and what we will continue to achieve.
Memories will always be with us forever.
‘O’ Singing Tap’ by David I, Y6
O’ Singing Tap why do you sing
O’ Singing Tap what will you sing
O’ Singing Tap what is thy precious song
O’ Singing Tap when will you stop
O’ Singing Tap why do you sing
O’ Singing Tap sing a song for me
O’ Singing Tap to what is your destiny
O’ Singing Tap stop my wrath and sorrow away
O’ Singing Tap how do you sing
O’ Singing Tap do you have friends
O’ Singing Tap I wish I could be like you
O’ Singing Tap shall thy be my friend
O’ Singing Tap your songs are always in tune
O’ Singing Tap I wish you would be my friend forever
Every good thing always ends
O’ Singing Tap must you leave me
‘What Happens?’ by David I, Y6
So what happens when I’m born?
What happens if I make friends?
What happens if I start primary school or when I leave?
What happens when I start secondary school or when I leave?
What happens if I don’t get my big moment to shine?
What happens if all my opportunities are rejected?
What happens when I grow up?
What happens when I become an adult or what happens when my responsibilities get ahead of me?
What happens when I start university or when I realise I have the privilege to choose?
What happens when I get a job?
Or what happens when I get true love?
What happens if my life gets worse because one day I will be miserable and helpless?
What shall my destiny behold?
‘Life’ by David I, Y6
What is life?
Life is a journey with twists and turns, goods, bads, greats and worsts.
Life is filled with laughter and tears – it can be filled with joy and sorrow.
Life is the most precious gift of all so we should embrace this gift with grace and deep purpose.
What is life?
Life is our own path. It is the way we react to many situations.
Life has its ups and downs but in life.
It’s good to stumble or make mistakes because it’s not where we start, it’s where we finish that counts, but what is life without a challenge?
What is life?
Life can be uncertain and we never know what lies ahead and what our journey has to offer but we have the power to decide.
What is life?
Life is a wondrous journey for, in each and every moment, is a new day to embrace.
Life can be challenging but, when we fall, we rise and try again like the phoenix for life is a time to let our souls truly shine.
Everyone has a purpose in life.
– Life is a journey, not a destination – Ralph Waldo
We are so proud of our pupils who attend Literacy Pirates!
They have come so far with their writing and are now published authors – well done!
Inspired by Valerie Bloom and spring, Y6 wrote and published some lovely poetry, which we turned into an ebook!
Click Year 6 Spring Poetry Anthology to read all of their amazing poems.
This week, Y1 wrote some amazing adventure stories, based on ‘Look Up’. Iylah wrote an incredible piece of independent writing and even included speech! Well done, Iylah! Click Iylah’s Adventure Story to read it.
This week was National Storytelling Week. The children at St Matthias were challenged to write their own stories and they didn’t disappoint!!! Read some of the incredible stories that our imaginative children wrote.
Traction Man + Scrubbing Brush Defeat Mr Hammer Head by Luna, Y3 and edited by Ilana, Y6
The Little Girl Who Flew by Maya, Y2
The Dream Myth by Fareedah, Y3
The First Kids on Earth by Ade, Y6
The Thing on Jackson Road by Mozean, Y6
The Making Of Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce by Ja’kayla, Y6
The Queue at Aldi by Hephzibah, Y5
Timetravellers by Ebenezer, Y6
The Three Little Pigs by Deniz, Y3
Below, you can see some more stories!
Inspired by Roald Dahl’s Dirty Beasts, by Ms Darlene
The cheetah loves to dash, to run
When it goes past you hear a hum
To avoid him pouncing on your back
Best be quick or become a snack
One would not want to feel its teeth
Breaking the skin the bone beneath
Don’t be fooled by the spots on it
It’s not cute, not one single bit
To see it bear its fangs so sharp
Your stomach churns, you fall apart
Do you move, play dead, keep still
Or sprint with all your might, your will
Don’t kid yourself if it stands afar
The fastest animal is the cheetah.
Year three wrote some really informative non-chronological reports this week, all about owls! Have a look at some:
Published Writing From Nursery to Year 6!
Black History Month Writing Competition
‘PROUD TO BE’ was the focus for BHM 2021. Each class learnt about an inspirational black activist who demonstrates the St Matthias value of KINDNESS. We shared our learning in our spectacular showcase assemblies, which parents and carers joined us for. Children wrote about their learning for homework – below are the winning pieces!
Proud To Be – Favour O Y6
I am proud to be a person who has been able to talk about Black History Month and the struggles b lack people used to face and still face, but we are still able to talk about the success of nowadays activists and their work towards causes, especially BLH. I have been extremely grateful to be learning about David Olusoga. At first he was just a clueless person, who didn’t know anything about he black/Nigerian culture. As a child, David experienced racism in school he also never was taught about Black History which is a shame. Thankfully, his mother taught him a small lesson that changed his entire life. David’s mum told him that Nigerians had actually fought during the war and because of that David began to read a lot of books about Black History which lead him to where he is now.
David Olusoga changed the way most people think of Black History. He is leading towards a goal where all schools in Britain can include Black History Month in their curriculum. He also made a book called Black and British which talks on Black people in the past, how they lived and how they weren’t only here during Windrush. It also includes Black people as Tudors, Georgians and Stuarts.
BHM is not just to celebrate the people during the olden times’ success but also to acknowledge and appreciate the effort of our activists nowadays. Let’s continue being…..
Akala – Mozean Y5
Akala is the greatest
he stops people being racist
he just started from the basics
he is proud of his songs he doesn’t hate it
He is the best
he writes his raps without rest
he is calmer than a chick in a nest Akala loves to go to fests
all fancy and lovely dressed.
Marcus Rashford – Naod Year 4
Life : Marcus Rashford was a little boy he had a few brothers and he wanted to be a footballer.He wanted to play football with his older brother but couldn’t because he was to young.So then everyday after that previous day when he walked home from school he would find a can or a rock and walk home kicking something to use as a football.Marcus has taught me a lot, although and he has experienced problems himself just like we all do.He has taught me that it doesn’t matter who you live with in your family all that matters is that you have shelter/home/a place you call home. M.R has taught loads of things about life.For example he said ”
You shouldn’t copy someone cause your a champion yourself so your great the way you are, you are unique, you are a champion and the best at being you your beloved self.”.
And that made me feel better about only having two friends because that’ plenty for me because I can play it/tag and hide and seek with three people (that’s including me) so that’s plenty.
Job: When M.R was little he wanted to be a footballer and obviously his dream job became true and because he was so famous he set up a campaign to stop poverty.
Always Be Proud of Who You Are! – Jia Y3
Always be proud of who you are because you are perfect the way you are. You don’t have to change anything about yourself, nothing at all. I am writing this to everyone in the world because you have to be proud of yourself for good effort and good kindness to everyone. This matters to everyone, not only you, everyone. You are a good person with a good heart so share. Respect people everywhere and your family members.
Proud To Be – Khyran Y1
Dianne Abbott – Gurshman Y2
Dianne Abbott was the first black female MP for Hackney. She was born on 27 September 1953, in Paddington, London. She was elected to be he member of Parliament for Hackney in 1987. She is in the party of Labour. She uses her voice to create a change. She encourages the people of Hackney by educating black children. She is resilient and never gives up.
Some of our Y5s visited King Henry’s Walk to learn all about bees! Whilst they were there, they practised their oracy skills and wrote some fantastic poems.
Being A Bee by Miyah, Y5A
Being a bee is not as easy as you think.
We work all day and fly all day.
We have to protect our queen
And protect ourselves.
People don’t like us
And I still don’t know
The reason why.
Sometimes I have a nightmare
That I’ll just die
Sometimes I just wake up
And cry.
But I know the flower is
Safe, sweet and soft,
Silky and shiny.
So sometimes
I still love it.
Empathy Poetry by Jhauni’ya, Y5S
I fly in the sky
Looking down
I smell nectar
I dive
Straight for the Lavender
Buzz, buzz, wiggle, wiggle,
Showered in nectar.
I fly to another and I
Do my special dance
And I do it again
And again
And again.
The Bumblebee by Paulette, Y5S
Soft and gentle
Fluffy bee
Jumping from flowers
Flying with glee.
I munch pollen
From a hot pink flower
After I ate it it gave me
I flew to the hive
And hope that I don’t
Get invited to
A spider’s house
For dinner time.
Prickly Pine Cone by Alfred, Y5S
Prickly pine cone
Yummy yellow pollen
From fragrant flowers.
I slurp soft nectar
Bubbly water
Around my feet
Getting wet
Whizzing past flowers
Having a great time.
Senses by Aline, Y5A
The flower is bright as the sun
The bees are many colours.
I smell minty, fresh flowers.
in old rusty pots,
smooth, sticky.
I am a humble worker bee
That sucks up nectar with glee!
Bee Story: When A Bee With A Broken Wing Landed On My Finger by Khyreese, Y5S
A drenched old bee
Landed on my finger
It gave me
Such a fright!
It had broken wing.
I stroked it
With my finger
And it was (very) alright.
I made it my best friend.
It had a good night.
I’m A Bee by Chidera, Y5S
I am a bee
With a squiggly and sharp
I collect nectar
From plants
(preferably lavender).
I look for daisies so I can
Bring my queen nectar.
She will fight for her throne
If the other queen bee
Shows her rivalry.
If we worker bees
Don’t like her
We will sacrifice
Our lives
To get rid of her.
Teamwork by Rodrigo, Y5A
I like to compete
But work as a team
On your own
It’s too much pressure!
All of our writing lessons are based on lovely books. Below are some character descriptions or summaries of these books. We hope you like them so much that you’ll want to read them!
A Beautiful Lie by Scarlett, Y6A
Bilal from a Beautiful Lie is a 12-13 year old boy who lives in India in the times of the partition in his home country and he is determined to keep a lie from his Bapuji (Father) because he is dying and with the help of his friends he is able to keep that lie and he is afraid of his fate and doesn’t get the point of destiny in life. Bilal is a skinny boy and has stains all over his clothes . Bilal is a friendly boy and very passionate and kind to his friends and family and wants to be seen as a responsible boy and he is very intelligent.
Jim: A Cautionary Tale by Roshni, Y3
Jim is a child character in ‘A Cautionary Tale’. He is a boy and is very skinny. Jim wears a green and yellow uniform and also likes to wear a matching cap. He comes across as a happy character because he receives a lot of gifts from his friends. Jim is looked after by a nurse and comes across as being naughty and brave. He shows this when he slips his hand away from the nurse in order to see the lions.
The Lost Happy Endings by Cassidy, Y5A
Jub is a young girl who did a wonderful job of releasing happy endings for bedtime stories.She lives in a tree and so does the witch who decided to steal the happy endings from Jub. However, she burnt alive due to her disgusting choices. The old hag/witch- is an on witch who steals the jolly happy endings from Jub whilst in the dangerous majestic forest.Little did she know that she was going to burn alive because of her poor action/ choice.It was very tragic what happened to her but it had to happen.
Jim: A Cautionary Tale by Naod, Y3
Jim is one of those kinds of kids when they sometimes don’t listen to their parents or babysitters but forget that let’s get to how he looks. How Jim looks: he’s ugly, wears green shorts, a green jumper, a green cap, has red cheeks and last but not least, has short black hair. He’s a bit jumpy, silly and lastly, he doesn’t listen.
Iggy Peck, Architect by Luna, Y1
Iggy Peck is an architect, he likes to build buildings. He’s an artist and he’s a designer that likes to design buildings. He’s into art, architecture and his paintings are sticking.
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by Ilana, Y4
Edmund is one of the children in the story. He is the naughtiest one. He went to the countryside because there was a war going on in London against the Germans. Edmund is naughty, rude, betraying, greedy and nasty. Later in the story he betrays his siblings for Turkish Delight but instead of getting it by the Queen he got put in a cell that was next to Mr Tumnus’s cell. He has black hair, white skin and pink cheeks. Later in the book he changes and turns kind and non-greedy.
The Lost Happy Endings by Robert, Y5A
Jub has six wiggly fingers, which sway in the powerful wind like leaves in the night sky. She wears his cherished scarf and has been ever since she was a kid. Jub’s radiant black eyes illuminate when the sun rises up from sleep. Her hat is as scarlet as a fresh, ripe apple. Jub is kind because in the story her job is to release the happy endings. At the same time, Jub is bad because she wrote a story and in it, it said to burn the witch alive. Jub’s job is important because she has to gather all the happy endings and release them so when kids read the books, they end with good endings.
A Beautiful Lie by Preet, Y6S
Bilal is a character from the book beautiful lie and he is trying to save his dad from cancer while India is going through a partition. Bilal is a cheeky and responsible young and independent boy who is learning about all the different ways people act. With his best friends they always get themselves in trouble and all always find a way out of it and are trying to solve every problem in India. But ever since mob and gangs have been going around India and Bilal and his friends are trying to save Bilal dad and not tell him about the partition will that go well
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by Ja’kayla, Y4
Mr Tumnus is somebody that used to live in a cage but when the secret police found him they tied him up but because he was screaming so much they took him away. When the secret police tied Mr Tumnus up they took him to the witch who asked them both questions and you also had to answer but they got spells casted on them. In the end, I think everyone will find out about the secret police and what they have done and that Mr Tumnus will be free.
A Beautiful Lie by Maysie, Y6S
Bilal is cheeky and funny. He is a young boy about 9 or 10. Bilal’s father has cancer and is very sick so he has to stay in bed. He lies to his dad about what is going on outside because he doesn’t want to hurt his dad. It is a good lie as he wants him to be happy with his last few months of life. Bilal has a lot of friends like Chota. Bilal, Chota and the rest of his friends formed a challenging plan to keep people away from the house so his father won’t see anyone and learn the truth that India is separating and not the country he thought it was. One day someone came to the house and they had to create an elaborate story to keep them out of the house. It was funny and smart. They had to be quick thinking.
A Beautiful Lie by Akosua, Y6A
The protagonist’s name from “A Beautiful Lie” is Bilal. Bilal is a 13 year old boy who lives in India with the challenges of looking after his father ( Bapuji), dealing with the grief of his mother’s death and resentment towards his brother(Bai) who comes and goes and always tries to start up arguments with his Bapuji. Bilal comes across as a confident child with a passion for books that his Bapuji has taught him. Bilal’s agenda is to make sure his Bapuji (who is dying) never finds out the truth about the partition of India as he believes that this news would stress his Bapuji out and eventually kill him before his time. Bilal hangs out with Chota, Manjeet and Saleem who help Bilal to make sure his dad does not find out about the partition of Indian.
The Lost Happy Endings by Zarah, Y5S
The beautiful, 6 fingered girl, Jub, lived in the woods. She was rather different from normal children. She was the Happy-Endings keeper. This was a very special thing. She had matching gloves and scarves all a nice ruby red color. Jub’s short, combed, black hair was covered by her hat. Her gloves were the time of gloves with holes at the top of them. A rainbow scarf that wrapped around her neck like a snake trying to strangle someone. Her jacket was as green as a 4 leaf clover, just like her sack with the Happy-Endings in it.
A Beautiful Lie by Rhea, Y6A
Bilal is a kind and loving boy who takes care of his father as he is sick. Sometimes Bilal can be a bit dare devilish which is normal as he is a teenage boy and they seem to do daring things. He is a smart boy who everyone can count on if they need a bit of help, he can also be a bit cheeky at times. Bilal is very protective about his father and you would be able to tell because in the book Bilal is making his own newspaper for his father because, his father knows all about India and there is a partition in India which Bilal thinks will stress Bapuji (Bilal’s father) out causing him to pass.
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by Ebenezer, Y4
Lucy is a girl. She was the first person to discover Narnia. She is the youngest of the 4 children. When she told the others no one believed her. They all start teasing her, especially Edmund. The other children thought she was telling a story. Later on they realised that Lucy wasn’t lying and they all ended up in Narnia. Narnia is a country inside a wardrobe. The children are evacuees which means they went to the countryside for safety. They arrived in a very old house. Inside, a professor lives there.
A couple of weeks ago, we went on some lovely trips local to the school. Some of us wrote about these.
Shakespeare Walk Adventure Playground by Maysie, Y6S
When I went to the adventure playground it was really fun and exciting. It was a beautiful day, sunny and hot and on the way there everyone was talking loudly and seemed happy. My friends and I did lots of different activities like bouncing on the trampoline and soaring high on the swings. There was a huge drop slide, but I was too scared to go on it but lots of my friends were brave enough to try it. There was a zip line that towered over us. It made my tummy roll over inside as I zoomed down to the end. We had a picnic lunch and it was delicious. I had a tuna sandwich, cake and water on the picnic bench. I especially loved the water fight because it cooled us down and everyone joined in (even the teachers). I liked that everyone had fun outside of the classroom and it is an incredible memory with my friends in year 6. I would recommend this playground to all ages.
PE at Clissold Park by Ebony, Y5A
At Clissold Park, we went and did tug of war, throwing games, we also went to the playground there. It was really fun and I loved to play throwing games the most. I think most children would love to go and play there or have picnics there. It was a really fun experience for me. I think almost everyone should go there for a ice family gathering or for a party as I think it would be a nice scene for everyone.
PE at Clissold Park by Aamarah-Brieze, Y4
I liked going to Clissold Park for PE because I like being outside and doing sports. In PE we did relay races and kick rounders and we also played in the playground that was really fun. I really enjoyed both sports but my most favourite sport that we did was kick rounders because I kicked the ball really high and the year threes could not catch the ball. I also enjoyed going to the garden classroom to learn outdoors and about nature and making wristbands over all I really enjoyed the week and wish we can do it again.
PE at Clissold Park by Scarlett, Y6A
When we went to Clissold Park and it was really fun! We got to practise for sports day and have some enjoyment in the playground after we finished as a treat . I sat down and ate my lunch with all my friends in the shade as it was very hot and the sun was shining on all of us . We all went on the zipline at the end of PE when we got to go to the playground and we had a lot of fun ! In our PE lesson we did tug of war and racing and then shortly after that rounding!
Shakespeare Walk Adventure Playground by Nina, Y3
Last week we went to the adventure playground. It was really really fun. I was partnered with faith and I had an amazing time but the walk to me was super long! When we arrived everybody headed to the roundabout. A little baby came on and we asked her, “Do you want to get on?” She said, “Yes,” so we went max speed we went over max men speed
PE at Clissold Park by Ka’Shaye, Y6A
Last week Wednesday, the whole of Year 6 had a special P.E lesson at Clissold park and we were training for sports day which included hurdle jumping, relay racing and tug of war which was extremely fun and I hope it happens again sometimes.
The Garden Classroom at Hackney Downs by Koby, Y5S
Last week there was a film crew in my school. The whole school had to be extremely quiet so we wouldn’t disturb them. During that week me and my classmates had the privilege to be able to go to garden classroom in hackney downs. We had the best time ever. We were split into teams and competed against each other. My favourite game was rounders.
The Garden Classroom at Hackney Downs by Luna R, Y1
We went to Hackney Downs Park. We coloured pebbles, played cricket, made bracelets and identified trees. Then we had lunch it was delicious we had this sandwich, cake, apple and a water bottle. I loved doing the bracelets with Siri, we chose three colours for the team bracelets and those three colours were white, green and yellow. I think my mum would like to go to Hackney Downs Park !
Shakespeare Walk Adventure Playground by Fnot, Y5A
At the adventure park it was amazing with all kinds of things. First I went on a ride when you have to run and go on the seat and go into a person but I soon felt dizzy and got off. There was this motorbike and you would ride it down a little hill. It was also a bit crazy because there was a slide but you would have to climb it to get to the slide and there were two floors and the second one was very high up. The craziest part was the zip line were it goes really fast and you put your legs together so you don’t hurt yourself. There was also roller skating. What I liked about it was the motorbike place. I think my friends would like going to there.
Khyran in Reception wrote some fantastic writing called Khyran and His Friends, which is all about a worm named Khyran.
Khyran and His Friends by Khyran, YR
You can see Khyran’s writing here.
One day Khyran the worm wriggled in the soil to see Isaiah and A’maiyah in the wormery.
They had fun making tunnels with their faces.
Khyran ran to have fun in the sun but suddenly vrooooom.
A bus came and scared his friends and the wiggled back to the wormery.
Khyran say on the grass and watched the bus.
Some of us wrote poems, songs and raps about us or things that mean something to us. We hope you enjoy them!
Daniel by Daniel, Y2
D. Daniel is my name.
A. Always happy to help.
N. No friends are left out of playing with me.
I. I like watching Sonic the Hedgehog.
E. Excited to see my cousin and family.
L. Love to have fun.
Rhyme by Nathan, Y2
Someone made a map and he sang a rap.
He played silly and he was chilly.
He called me she and I called him he.
I’m Desire by Desire, Y2
I’m Desire
I love red
I’d love a Ted
I am fierce
I can pierce
I love to read
I got speed
Family by Rhea, Y6A
Fun times when were together
Always baking something
Making jokes all the time
I love all of my family
Living together can be hard but
Yes, I am lucky to have them by my side
I Like by Roham, Y2
I like playing with my friend.
I like playing in the park.
I like playing with my toys.
I like playing in the sand.
I like playing with balloons at home.
My Name Is Preet by Preet, Y6S
My name is Preet
I bet you can’t take my heat
I am very sweet
But you better not compete
Yeah, I am riding down in my jeep
Yeah, my hair is looking pretty neat
You can hop in my backseat
And I will give you treats
I like to eat
Do not challenge me
Peace out
I Like by Ja’kayla, Y4
I like sunshine
I like snow
I love brown leaves when the blow
I like cookies
I like cake
I love waffles
I like cats
I like clowns in funny hats
I like football
I like basketball
I like sleeping when it rains
I like stories at bedtime
I like tea at night
Maths Rap by Analy, Y5A
I’m gonna take my math skills to school
I’m gonna work until l can’t no more (2x)
I got the math book in the back
Workbooks are attached
l am very smart
l got skills to show that
Learning all the time yeah
You can’t outsmart me
I’ve been learning all year
You haven’t stop learning this year
Can’t nobody stop me learning
You can’t stop me learning(2x)
Riding through sixth grade
Math is in my brain
Not cheating on anything
You can ask my teacher
My life is all about
Math book from school
I am very smart
(no one will stop me because math is in my brain and you know that am very smart)
What I Love by Ebony, Y5A
I love to cook.
I love to sleep.
I also really love how my room is clean.
Verse 1
I love to draw.
I love to swim.
I also really love to play Genshin Sims.
Verse 2
I love to eat.
I love to play video games.
I also really love to sing.
I love to cook.
I love to sleep.
I also really love how my room is clean.
Verse 3
I love to look out my window.
I love to grow different plants.
I also really love to see my family.
I am special.
Being Black by Chidera, Y5S
Being black doesn’t have to be a crime
We all come in different shades, colour and time
We can’t control that we’re all humans
We need to treat each other equally
We’re all God’s children
We don’t need to be departed
It’s not all black and white we all live on earth there’s no cause in police brutality and favouritism
It’s the 21st century we have to love each other
The stereotypes captivate me
Writing this poem when will I be free?
The Curse of Virus by Roshni, Y3
I’m sitting at home both happy and sad
Cursing the virus that has made us mad
I hop and dance and follow Joe Wick
Cursing the virus that has made us sick
I sit and pray to the wonderful gods
Cursing the virus that has taken our jobs
Praising the brave who do over and above
Cursing the virus that has taken all we love
My name is Roshni, which means giving light
Cursing the virus that worries us at night
The battle is big and the journey is long
Cursing the virus that has made us strong
To all those key workers who do a good job
Thank you I say ending this blog
Me by Nyah, Y4
My favourite colour is blue
And I like making slime with glue.
I like playing Roblox with my friends
But sometimes I never want it to end.
My dad is going to get a new house soon
And guess what, I am getting a new room.
I like to go to the park
But I don’t like it when it gets dark.
I love to go to the beach when the water is warm.
But I hate when there is a storm.
My favourite subject is art
Especially when I am painting a heart.
Seasons by Akosua, Y6A
Winter: December; January; February. The icy cold months of the year,
the months of the year where you rather stay in than out. sipping hot chocolate, roasting marshmallows. The months where you dress up warm, run outside and build a snowman, the months where you lie in the snow and pretend to be snow angels.
Spring: March; April; May. The months of the year when the sun starts to come out of hiding, when you hear the birds sing their song, when you look outside and see all kinds of flowers like daffodils, roses and daisies.
Summer: June; July; August. The months of the year when the sun is fully out of hiding and you feel the blaze on your tanned skin. When you eat ice-cream almost every day and get buried in the sand until you almost suffocate.
Autumn: September; October; November. The months where the trees lose their leaves, the orangy-red fills the dull pavements with colour. The rain falls down hard and you can hear the pitter patter on your roof. And then before you know it, it starts all over again.
My Name Is Ryan by Ryan, Y5A
My name is Ryan
I love nylon
People replace my name with kyon
My favourite animal is a lion
I’m in the game
I got a picture frame
I tamed a lion
With a fuzzy mane
I am enjoying the fame
I’m prestige
With a great physique
Sometimes by Scarlett, Y6A
Sometimes I can laugh a lot and be happy
Where sometimes I can be sad
I can be very creative when it comes to art
And sometimes very smart
I like to have fun with my friends
And have conversations that always extend
I like to play video games
But sometimes I mess up my aim
I Like to Game by Timothy, Y6S
I like to game,
Don’t mess with me I’ll bring the pain,
I like hip-hop,
I have a dream top,
I be vibing,
While I’m making lightning,
I play football,
It sometimes ends in a brawl,
I’ll be watching anime,
You won’t get away
Ultra-Instinct you will feel my wrath,
You’ll turn into ash with my FINAL FLASH.
I Am Cool by Luna, Y1
I am cool
I am active
I am brave
I am intelligent.
Sometimes I say I can’t
but I try my best
to be what I want to be.
I listen
I work hard
And sometimes I throw a fuss
I like jumping I never stay still,
I’m funny.
I Am by Maysie, Y6S
I am funny, friendly, caring and kind,
I am the loveliest person you will ever find,
I like art and I like to have fun,
Especially when there is lots and lots of sun,
I like to play and I am very smart,
I have a cute dog who likes to bark,
I like to play with my friends,
The fun and games never end.
I Am Nina by Nina, Y3
I am Nina. I like Ribena and I dance like a ballerina.
I like holidays. I relax all day, swim in the pool and say hip hip hooray.
I like to just dance so I bust the move make sure you do the grove.
I like Md chicken nuggets so crunch with me.
The colour of the rainbow is me!
This is the rap about me.
Imagine you are a pirate, who has been kicked off your ship!
Akosua, Y6A
Dear Diary,
I am trapped on this deserted island and there is no way that I am getting to safety. It all started with a battle to see who would be the new pirate. Me and my friend had a battle to see who would be the next pirate and I lost and unfortunately, I am the one who got knocked off the ship. Pirates are not really known for swimming they only know how to handle boats and since I can’t swim there is no way I am getting off this deserted island. I feel beaten, destroyed, distraught. My ego is ruined. There is no way in heaven that I would have thought that I would have lost to lanky Liam. So far, I have been living off of food that I can find in the trees and if I am lucky from time to time little fish would pop their heads out and I would catch them and cook them by the fire. Luckily, I thought ahead of time because in case I lost, which I did, I brought flint and steel with me and that came to good use. I really miss my family (my two beautiful sisters and my mum and dad) I told them that I would make them proud and they would see me in no time. Now I am not even sure if I am coming back or if I will just die here. Hopefully another pirate comes to join me in the next 10 years if I am still alive.
Chimobi, Y3
On Sunday 9th May my crew kicked me off the ship. On a lost island I was feeling really frightened and scared because I was on an abandoned island. I felt betrayed because they left me behind and overruled me.
I looked for bamboo sticks and strings hold the house together and sticks and stones to the fire
I took a tour of the island and I saw a bright blue ocean of water and fish huddling around each I made a spear to collect the fish and I brought my fish back to my house cooked it on the log fire.
And night time it began to get late and I heard shacking like an earthquake volcano erupting I had to make a raft to escape the island I was so sad to leave the island because all of the hard work I have created I have landed on a new island and I found a new crew.
Ebony, Y5A
Dear diary,
Today was the day I got kicked off my ship by my crew. Now I am stranded on a deserted island, I personally think I didn’t do anything wrong. I’m an amazing leader. Except for the time I accidentally knocked my crewmate into the water and he got eaten by a crocodile. It wasn’t my fault though. Maybe that’s why they kicked me off. For the past 3 hours, I’ve been building a house and getting food (coconuts). I’m feeling quite good actually, my crew are… annoying. Everything on the island I’m lost at is sunny and cool, the water is so refreshing and everything here is just for me.
This is all I shall be writing now. I ought to write again to here soon.
Pirate Ebony.
Baah, Y6S
Dear Diary,
Captain Blackbeard has kicked me off the ship and now I am on an island. The first thing I did was take out my knife and find some animals since Captain Blackbeard kept me starving before he made me walk the plank. For what he did I detest Captain. I found a deer like animal its horns seemed to have a metallic colour and it seemed to be scavenging. I jumped on its back and landed the killing blow with my knife. Hats when I noticed my surroundings I was bewildered by my surroundings. There were so many bright greens and the flowers were a bright pink. It was absurd that I didn’t notice it before. I lighted a fire and cooked my deer meat once I put it in my mouth it was mouth-watering appetizing and all the other synonyms of delicious.
Ilana, Y4
Dear diary
I got kicked out of the crew and thrown off the deck into the sea. I haven’t got the faintest idea why. Do you? (pause) I could just about see the island after about 1 hour of swimming. (The water was clear, no sharks I got away from them.) I had nothing and there was no one on the island either so I decided to call this island my very own ship (home). But then I saw a ship that wasn’t too far away either. I could see the flag, it was the Captain Blackbeard! I then very quickly and quietly went through the forest, across the island and then got to the other side. But all of a sudden there was another ship. Redbeard! Oh no they are going to fight. But they didn’t get together for a fight, they got together for a reunion. Then it was all over. That’s the end of my day.
Judith, Y6S
Dear diary
I want to just let you know about what stupidest thing happened today. I was minding my own business then I was Attacked by a ship once again. Let me start from the beginning. I am a captain of a seriously, vicious crew of dangerous pirates, well this is what I think anyway. Then one of the crew came to me and spoke saying, “Captain there are a ship taking over ours!” So, I went up to warn the rest. We survived…well not all of us, however we won but the crew didn’t want me as captain so they kicked me off. Well that’s my story. See you tomorrow diary.
Fnot, Y5A
Dear Diary,
Since I was kicked out of the ship I’ve been lonely but kind of happy because nothing is stressing me now. What I’ve been doing is hunting trying to find treasure most of time and see if any ships or anybody comes by to take me back. Every single day I sometimes see a ship or somebody pass by a boat but when I call for help nobody comes. I always think that I got kicked off because I was the selfish one and nobody liked that but screw them all! I feel happy, angry and hopeless. What happened was they said they found something valuable but when they told me to follow them they tricked me and tied my hand and threw me off board.
Maysie, Y6S
I am stranded on a deserted island. I don’t know where I am. Me crew has just kicked me off the ship. I did nothing wrong. I’m sad since I have no-one to talk to and lonely because I am here alone. I hope I find someone here or find a way off. Well both would be nice.
I don’t know why they kicked me off the ship (the Lone Wolf). It is so annoying because everyone hates me on the ship. It’s so hard to make friends when you’re a pirate. Everyone thinks you are going to steal their gold or take over the land (we normally do) but other times we just wanna make new friends.
Things are going great on the island. I have made a shelter and got a good source of food and water. I just hope that one day (maybe today even) someone will find me. I keep sending letters to different places where I know me crew will go next. I never get replies and no-one has come to get me. I know I will get off this island.
Scarlett, Y6A
Dear diary,
Today has been awful. I feel like I have been betrayed and stabbed in the back! My whole crew has kicked me off my own ship and I have marooned on a lifeless island. I still can’t get over the fact that my own crew has done this to me.
I’m not really surprised because lately there has been one crew member who has been wanting to take my place as captain and has somehow persuaded my own crew to kick me off my own ship. Because of this I have been lately trying to find food and water and I luckily still have my loyal, amazing parrot with me and my hat and deadly sword. This is good because with my sword I can cut leaves around me and make way around the island and explore more to keep me busy. I still watch the waves come in and out as I used to before ever since I was young. I just hope my crew comes back for me.
Until next time,
Your captain
We’ve all been thinking about what makes us happy!
Ebony, Y5A
What makes me happy? I’m always happy when my aunt comes over to my house, when I make food for my family. Eating always makes me so happy, playing Genshin Impact after school also makes me happy especially on a Thursday. After a day of school on a Friday, I do dance class which also makes me ecstatic. I am also happy when I get the chance to see my cousin after a whole year. I’m also happy when I get to draw and paint, also when I get to do crafts. I also love to sleep and meditate.
Daniel, Y2
The things that make me happy are my friends and family. When am with my friend’s we have so much fun playing. When am with my family, my most favourite time it’s when am playing with my cousin Jack we play football or go to the playground. I now have a new baby cousin which I can’t wait to show him how much fun we are going to have. Am always happy with family and friends.
Favour O, Y5A
Things that make me happy are when I get to play out with my friends, spending time with my family and going outside. These things make me happy because it gives me something to do when I’m bored, have nothing to do and just for fun. I also enjoy going on picnics too with my friends. I also recently went to one and it was so much fun. These are all the things that make me happy.
Shiarna, Y6A
Me, my mum and my sister plan a day to chill, watch movies and eat takeaway for dinner which makes me really happy to spend time with my family from home. During the weekends I will go to my grandads to see him, my nan and my two lovely dogs. Spending time with them is fun as we wake up, get washed and dressed and after we are ready we will take the dogs on a walk which gives us all a bit of exercise every morning I am there. Once both dogs have had their walk I would give them a treat whilst my grandad makes breakfast for me, him and my nan. Going into the afternoon me and my grandad would sit down one day and watch a movie and another day me and my nan would watch catchphrase and count our scores to see who won (obviously me ;). When I go to my dad’s I get woken up by their dog because he knows when I am there I always take him out on his walks as he never poops in the garden. When it is normally good weather my uncle, his kid (my boy cousin) and more of my other uncles (my dad’s very close friends) would come over when we have a BBQ and we would all just chill outside and have a bunch of fun laughing with each other, throwing a tennis ball in the air high up to see if you could catch it.
Once it is 22:00pm-23:00pm and everyone has left, me, my dad and his girlfriend we will all sit down to find a really scary horror with a good story line and watch it which also makes us laugh because of when we scream.
Ilana, Y4
Things that make me happy are being with my friends and my family, playing, going to school and reading. When I am with my friends I play and hang out with them. That is one thing that makes me feel happy. With my family I can be myself and worry about anything, they make me feel so special and joyful inside. (DON’T TELL ANYONE THAT!!!!!). When I play alone I can play what I like with no one telling me that I’m bossy and that I’m playing the game wrong. When I go to school then I can learn new things and it is a step forward to fulfilling my dreams! You know when your reading a book and you so into it you feel like you’re one of the characters and you’re in the book? Well I do, that’s why reading gives me joy.
Deniz, Y3
When its Christmas I’m happy because I get to spend time with my family and also because me and my two sisters all get to open our presents. Halloween also makes me happy because you get sweets and the whole neighbourhood is out there having fun. Easter also makes happy because you can get Easter eggs and that represents Jesus when he was on the cross and I’m also happy when I’m on a roller-coaster because I get to go on it with my sister and dad and a restaurant also makes me happy because I get to have a drink and say cheers with my family and eat yummy food.
Preet, Y6S
Things that make me happy are spending quality time with my friends all playing king ball together and all laughing trying to get each other out. Also, I like to play Roblox with my friends and family that makes me happy because we play parkour and tower of hell and that makes me smile when you fall in the game. Furthermore, I like watching anime with my cousins and we all watch movies together and I like that because we all react to it and make funny jokes. What also makes me happy is when me and my family all do baking together and I enjoy that because we do a taste test. Also, when me and my friends all laugh and make jokes and tell funny stories and we all can’t stop laughing. Also, I like it when me and my friends just chill.
Paulette, Y5S
What makes me happy is when people are kind and nice to me and when I play with my brother, Paul. At school teachers are the people who make me very happy because they can be funny and cheerful at times. When I go home things that make me happy are…
And those are the things that make me happy.
Gurshmanprit, Y1
Playing with my family makes me happy. Playing with my toys makes me happy. My parents make me happy. Playing with my stuffed animals makes me happy. My parents always give me stuff and that makes me happy. Saying funny things with my family makes me happy. Going outside and playing in the park makes me happy. Going to different places makes me happy. When I’m exploring it makes me happy and excited. When my parents buy things that I like and surprise me it makes me happy. When I play new games, it makes me happy. When I phone call my cousin and his brother it makes me happy. when I go to my cousin’s house it makes me happy and excited.
Jordan, Y6S
Anime makes me happy Even the ones that are terribly sad make me happy, somehow. Not to say they don’t make me sad, of course, but there’s some sort of underlying joy to witnessing an amazing story. I prefer bittersweet endings to tragedies, though, and I’d rather have a well-thought-out happy ending for a saddening series than a tragic one. There’s also a sense of relief that occurs after crying, especially when it’s from a sweet and moving scene rather than a purely sad one. So, yes, in general, good anime make me happy.
Le’Eriah, Y3
What makes me happy is having food to eat every day, family friends and money to get water, house. Also, I am happy about people who love my environment going to school having an education and I am grateful because I have toys, a bed, a new phone and a laptop. Some people don’t even have food money or a house so be grateful that you have all these things that make you happy.
Mozean, Y4
What makes me happy is getting to know that people are happy and letting people join in on all the fun and games👨🏿🤝👨🏿🏃♂️🤾♂️. I also love being with my family seeing them and their personality they will always be with me and by my side and not stop loving me. I love going to my friend’s house and playing Roblox with him Most importantly love playing football🤙⚽🥅🏆:D.
Ka’Shaye, Y6A
What makes me happy is when I am with my family and I feel safe also when I am at school. I also feel happy when I am playing on my PlayStation and I am playing a game with all my friends. Additionally, my sister also makes me happy when she smiles and when I know she is having fun.
Children across the school have imagined what life would be like if they shrunk!
I Was the Size of An Ant! By Ebenezer, Y4
I was busy doing my homework when suddenly my hands were moving away from the computer. I thought the chair was moving but then I realised I was shrinking. I was shrinking until I was the size of an ant. My mother came in and called for me but she couldn’t find me. I found a tiny key and a door. I carefully put the key into the door and the door disappeared with me. I found myself in a mythical place. It was amazing and beautiful but then I teleported back to my room. I saw some feet and had to dodge them so I didn’t drop. After that, someone dropped a wrapper on me. I was suffocating. I woke up. Phew it was all a dream.
Things to Do If You Shrink by Fnot, Y5A
Now that I am weeny and short I can do a lot of things like hide very well and play with toys that look realistic. The days are sometimes boring because you have nobody playing with you and because you are lonely and nobody is there for you. Being small is dangerous because when humans pass by they can step on you or if you are sitting on something they can pick up the thing you are sitting on and you can slide off. When I first realized I shrunk I thought it was going to be fun be it isn’t it is terrifying and boring. I felt anxiety rush through my body.
Smaller Than A Toothbrush by Rhea, Y6A
Dear diary,
Yesterday I was smaller than a toothbrush so I couldn’t write, I was so petrified, worried that I would get stepped on, squashed flatter than a pancake and I wouldn’t be able to do anything but that’s not how it went at all. I had the best time of my life, first I got washed inside of the sink but it was quite a task to climb up it. Then I brushed my teeth with my finger and used the toothpaste as a slide to get out of the sink. Nobody noticed that I was small so I was having the time of my life. Then I went to go and get breakfast and I climbed up the chair leg and I took a bite out of the fruit on the table and then I was full.
The Guy With the Black Hat by Bolu, Y5A
Dear Dairy,
Today I had a guy with a black hat who turned me into a small animal smallet than a rat. He trapped me in a bottle that was glass but I had a trick up my sleeve. I was an engineer so I took my hammer and smashed the glass and got out of there. The next day I was in my house.
Before I Became Tiny by Tabatha, Y3
Before I became tiny I could not go under the sofa because I was a human. Now that I am mini I can finally go under the sofa. I can go in a bottle of water like it is a swimming pool but my danger is cats because they can kill me and I don’t want to be killed. The people who noticed was my parents and they have been helping me to live in a little world.
Smaller Than A Nutcracker by Mozean, Y4
As I was on the computer my hands got further away from it. I thought someone was pulling me away, but I realised that I was smaller than the nutcracker. “I can’t reach the keyboard” I exclaimed, I jumped off the seat, but then I realised that was a bad idea just when I saw the ant “argh!” I screamed. “I’m “miniature!” Then I stopped and the cockroach was what I saw next “ARGH!!!!!!!” Eww a cockroach my brother screamed and stepped on the ant and the cockroach feeewww.” I’m safe I said, just then I grew and grew and before I knew It, I was on my bed my mum woke me up “Mozean get up!” “What an adventure” I sighed. I dropped my pillow and I didn’t hear it hit the floor.
Today I Was Shrunk! by JJ, Y2
Dear Diary,
Today I was shrunk, I couldn’t even pick up anything unless it was smaller than me. When I tried to pick up the toothbrush and it was so much heavier than weights I didn’t like it at all. I couldn’t even eat normal food when I tried to have normal food. All I did is have the crumbs my mum dropped off her plate and yes she didn’t notice me. I had a squeaky voice like a mouse. If you are wondering about the danger I can’t go on adventures because I’ll get stepped on and I can’t carry heavy stuff. As I said people will step on me so no nobody noticed me. No I didn’t go on any adventures. When I found out that I shrunk I was terrified and happy at the same time. I was terrified because what would I do when would I go back to normal?
Tricks by Timothy, Y6S
Dear diary,
I’ve shrunk to a ludicrously miniscule size and no one has seemed to have noticed and now I can do things that I’ve always dreamed of: I can play video games unnoticed and unsupervised (hee hee) , I can all the YouTube I want, I for one can hijack all the fast cars I want and possibly on the way freak some people out (personally that wasn’t a dream but I can still do it hoping not to be a fugitive) and I can build a warp drive so I can travel to other places also (my favourite) I don’t have to go to school (unless I want to) . Unfortunately, I’ll probably not be able to partake in some fun activities, likely I won’t be able to have a good time on holidays. Anyway, I’ve been on loads of adventures for example I did an exploration around Buckingham Palace and famous people’s houses. At first I was freaked out that I had shrunk but over time I have grown to like being small even if there is of getting squashed. Anyway, that’s all for now.
The Best Day by Ebony, Y5A
Dear diary,
Today I woke up in my bed, I did feel a bit different but I didn’t pay it any mind. When I went to get out of bed and looked down, I realised that everything was bigger than usual. Anyways that was kind of weird but I didn’t really care because I realised at that moment I could do whatever I wanted without getting in trouble. This was the best day of my life… At least that’s what I thought. Anyways, I couldn’t find anything to eat, I couldn’t even annoy my sister, I couldn’t even go and make myself some rice noodles. But I also found this fun because being small was also fun because I could go and talk to my bird about my day. She was very understanding, she tried to eat me though. She’s a very aggressive bird. This was a fun time. This was also a very dangerous thing to do. I tried to swim in the bathtub. I almost drowned and died so that was not a fun experience. But now I can scare my sister. It was very fun, she thought there was a ghost there. I also went on this fun adventure to the park but I almost got stomped on, so I decided to go to the shops instead and bought some snacks. I got some m&ms, some chocolate and some mango. My adventure took me about an hour and a half. So that was so much fun. So that’s the end of my day.
Buried by Akosua, Y6A
Dear Diary,
Today was an eventful day. As I woke up I found myself buried beneath what seemed to be a whole maze that took me about twenty minutes to get out of but apparently it was my duvet that used to take me under a second to fling off. As I fell out of bed I looked ahead of me and saw me MEEEE. I was little, teeny-weeny, miniscule, tiny.
The Curse of Madame Beloni by Ryan, Y5A
Dear diary,
It was a beautiful day then this one guy named Madame Beloni cursed me and I got shrunk. Fortunately, I can sneak into places and run faster and can hide better. However, I will be stepped on because of how puny I am. My two best friends have noticed and have been making fun of me I am so devastated. I’ve been on 3 adventures and all of them were excellent. I feel very vacant and expressionless. I felt so annoyed when I shrunk- I was smaller than a toothbrush. I regret doing this…
Don Don Don… by Ilana, Y4
Dear diary,
Last week I was eating dinner with my family when I happened to shrink. I was so scared and worried I was going to get stepped on but instead I ran fast so that I found a small mouse like hole. There was a miniature mirror and loads of other human-like things too. Then another person came in! It was my grandma that was where she went. She taught me how to survive and take care of myself down there. It is kind of hard being small because I have to scavenge for food whilst the big humans just go to the shops and buy some. First when I leave home I have to make sure for safety that nobody’s around. The dangers are all the giant moving things. So if this happens to you or anyone else and you know them just tell them that. This happens to be secret so if you show or tell anyone else about this I will find you and were going to have a little chat! OKAY?! I hope that is a yes. DON DON DON. BYYYYEE
It’s A Hard Life by Preet, Y6S
Dear Diary,
Life has been pretty hard ever since the day I shrunk. It may sound unbelievable but I have actually shrunk down smaller than a pen. When I want food, I have to climb the fridge to get to it without getting caught or then I will be squashed because people think I am a rat in their house. I am able to fit in small gapes so I have made a hole in the ground and now live there. Once the household member nearly mistook me for her fork. That was a terrifying moment and once I had to pretend I was a doll. It is very hard to find food that is a decent size since I am very minuscule, so I just take one teeny bit of something and that is my lunch, dinner and breakfast done. When I first became very little I had not noticed until I saw my big sister and she was gargantuan and then I screamed trying to get me back to normal but I had no clue nobody could hear I very alone because I couldn’t play with something because it was enormous and will probably just crush me. So I had decided this is the way life will be now.
What Does Easter Mean To You?
What Easter Means To Me by Gurshmanprit, Y1
Easter is the most important Christian festival. Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ died on the cross on a day called Good Friday. The Bible says Jesus was resurrected and came back to life on Easter Sunday.
I celebrate Easter with my family. I eat chocolate eggs. I feel excited.
What Easter Means To Me by Saron, Y2
Easter celebration Jesus resurrection after his crucifixion. I celebrate with all my family. We celebrate Easter first in our church. After church we get together and we eat a traditional Ethiopian food. I am happy because Jesus saved us by dying.
What Easter Means To Me by Fareedah, Y1
Easter feels very special to me because it is when Jesus died on the cross and it is very sad.
I celebrate Easter because I am a Christian and I believe in Jesus and I love Jesus.
I believe that it was mostly Judas’s fault because if he hadn’t told the phareses they couldn’t have killed Jesus and nailed him on the cross. Then one of the people said if you really are the son of God save yourself but Jesus knew he had to die for our sins. And that’s why I believe in Good Friday.
What Diwali Means To Me by Nina, Y3
I celebrate Diwali. We celebrate Diwali because it is about light and with no light you can not see. We celebrate Diwali with friends and family. We all go to our special place called the Gurdwara. We all light candles. Some people stay at home and celebrate but most go at the Gurdwara. We eat tradition food. I feel excited when it is Diwali because I am around my favorite people.
What Easter Means To Me by Mozean, Y4
I celebrate with my family. I also celebrate Easter with Jesus Christ and l feel comforted. I eat chocolate but this year I’m having ice cream. My family doesn’t eat anything at Easter.
Descriptive Writing
The ‘Boy’ On My Bed: An Extract by Aliyah, Y6A
Yesterday afternoon, as I went into my bedroom, something strange was sitting on the end of my bed. It was a blue thing that looked like a fly without wings, it was big, it had weird looking teeth and small eyes that were almost the same size as an adults eyes. When I looked at the rest of its body it had four skinny arms and two thin legs, I was really uncomfortable then I noticed that it has a pillow and on top was something like a tooth or a claw in its hand. I was completely anxious and confused why this creature was in my room. It kept smiling at me so I smiled back at it if that’s what it wanted and maybe it will go away but it didn’t.
All of a sudden, it started to talk! I was really intimidated because it had a very low voice, it said it was a boy and his name was Hector and he is twelve years old. He was three years older than me because I am nine years old. It was moving preternaturally with its arms while it was speaking to me, I was worried that he might grab me and eat me,I wanted to get away but his eyes won’t move away from me. Then suddenly he asked what my name was and I said my name was Sophia and then he said cool name, do want to be my friend in a different tone like a human boys voice. I was surprised when I heard him. Then I had a second thought that maybe he will not be that bad and he seems kind of nice but if I become friends, did this mean that he would stay here and I might have to hide him or tell my family about and give a big reason why he should stay and help find his family? Maybe, but this had me thinking does he even has a family maybe he came here to ask me to help him find his family? After all that thinking, I looked up and I saw him right in front of me.
The Monster On My Bed by Mozean, Y4
Yesterday afternoon, as I went into my bedroom, something strange was sitting on the end of my bed. I was flabbergasted to see that some hideous bacteria infested creature was sitting on my bed! He had hair everywhere. “Go to the barbers,” I shouted. “The impudence how rude I’m just taking care of toothy.” screamed the thing. Shh my mum will hear you quiet down.” The tooth smiled at me with a smug grin on its face then the creature disappeared under the bed. “Also don’t come back pesky flies.”
The Four-Armed Creature by Lebron, Y5S
Yesterday afternoon, as I went into my bedroom, a hideous, furry, four-armed creature was already sitting on my bed with it’s tooth on one of my pillows! The monster then hopped off my bed and (in a gruff, low voice)said, “Hi” and gave me an ugly smile! It hopped off my bed and stumbled towards me. The monster opened its mouth and said, “Thank you for the hospitality”.
I stood frozen in fear. The unknown creature gave me another was more horrendous than the last one. But the monster shook my hand slowly and calmed me down. I could now see it was friendly.
The Blue Monster by Roham, Y2
Yesterday afternoon, as I went into my bedroom, something strange was sitting on the end of my bed…it looked like a monster on my bed. It sounded like a noisy monster because as soon as he saw me start making noise. The monster had blue eyes and teeth were big and sharp but his body wasn’t big. It was short and skinny. When I saw the monster I felt so scared and got so anxious because the monster was sitting on my bed. The monster said to me I am sorry I sat on your bed. I am so tired and I don’t have nowhere to live. The monster told me can I stay here? I said it is fine you can stay here until we could find a best house for you
Something Strange by Scarlett, Y6A
Yesterday afternoon, as I went into my bedroom, something strange was sitting on the end of my bed. It was a very peculiar creature and I have never seen it before .It’s teal-blue, soft fluffy fur covered its full body and made it look not so harmful. Its raspy , crooked voice spoke to me in a kind way . The creature waddled like a penguin around my bedroom knocking everything down in its path. Then it suddenly spoke to me and said hello to me in its raspy voice and told me it’s hiding from something . I asked why it’s in my bedroom and it then replied by saying that its home was destroyed and it needs somewhere to stay…
Back to School Poems
Seeing My Friends Again by Kaylan, Y2
It has been good seeing my friends again
Because now I can play with them
And I can play with them online but that’s boring
I miss them because I haven’t seen them in a long time
And I haven’t played with them so it will be fun
I can see bright colours like black, white, blue, green
Also I can see happiness on their faces
And feel the same
When School Opens Again by Roham, Y2
I could jump around again
I could play with my friend again
I could learn new things again
I could see my teacher again
I could draw again
I could do my homework again
I could enjoy being in school again
I Love My Friends by Nanki, Y5S
When I see my school,
I remember my friends .
Its quite difficult,
To live without them.
The days we played together
Were the happiest days
Now it’s time
When I don’t get time
Nor to rest
Neither to play
I would love to enter
My childhood again…
Back to School by Kirtan, Y4
I am so happy, every day is a new fresh start
Waking up early fresh for school to start.
At playtime I chitter and chatter with my friends
Then go back to class ready to learn.
By the end of school, I feel this was all worthwhile.
Let Me Tell You Why I Love School by Koby, Y5S
Now let me tell why I love school.
I love school because I get to play with my friends.
Our friendship never ends .
Some times we get to laugh
But other times we have to draw our bar graph
In maths.
My Friends by Maysie, Y6S
I’m going to tell you about my school,
I think it’s really caring and cool,
I like playing with my friends,
The fun and games never end,
I haven’t seen them in a while,
They still make me laugh and smile,
The night before I am excited,
The whole family are delighted,
So many thoughts in my head,
That night I wasn’t in my bed,
Now I’m going to my school,
It is really caring and cool,
I hope I play with my friends,
The fun and games never end.
Happy To See My Friends Again by Kesrick, Y2
I am happy to see my friends in school again,
You don’t know how it pains not seeing my friends for so long.
I really missed our hugs and laughter and silly songs!
I Missed My Friends by Ceykan, Y6S
I missed my friends loads,
I loved playing sports and games,
I don’t like sitting at home feeling lame
I don’t mind playing video games but it gets boring after a while
It’s nice to see everyone smile,
Covid is horrible and I hope it ends
So I can live a life seeing my friends in the endz.
School by Michael, Y6S
School awaits in the heat of the day,
Fellow children shouting hooray,
Getting up with a smile on hand,
Wrapping a tie on your neck like a band,
Exiting your house through the door,
To come out and learn much more,
Meeting all your friends at the gate,
Where you all chat there and wait,
Until the gates open wide,
And you realise,
It’s your time to shine.
Being With My Friends by Lachlan, Y1
I feel so happy to be at school will all my friends because I missed them.
Now I can play and talk to my friends again.
Coming to School and Seeing My Friends by Scarlett, Y6A
Seeing my friends for the first time in ages was a huge shock for me
I was feeling so many emotions one two or maybe three
I was so excited to go and talk to my friends
My joy felt like it wasn’t going to end
Everyone in the playground was having fun and running around
and all my happiness felt like it was found
It was surprising to see some people had got taller
whereas some looked smaller
I was nervous and anxious of seeing everyone at the front gate
But then I realised that a lot of people can relate
It was wonderful to see my friends again
I have felt joyful since then
School by Ilana, Y4
I love learning, I love to read
I tell you all these things cause I really do
Maybe you do too cause it’s really true
And then I tell once and it’s like you do
With all my friends it’s like before
We tell each other jokes and we laugh a lot
It feels like before like nothing changed
As if we never went home and then we stayed
I didn’t take it real but now I do
Because I like to be in school and that is true
I love the lessons that I get and so do you
So take this really really real cause you really should
My Friends by Leo, Y5A
I like seeing all my friends at school
And playing basketball.
I was excited to see my teachers;
Especially my preacher, Father David.
I missed my school lunches,
Which I eat with my school friends in bunches.
I love green time,
Like my weekend time.
Back to School by Chimobi, Y2
I enjoyed learning at home and sharing my ideas on google class room with my friends. I learnt how to use google meet, share my screen and upload my own work.
Miss told us it was time to go back to school and said it was OK to feel worried because “we are all doing it together”. I was excited to see all my friends again and could not wait for Monday to arrive.
I have a different seat, I sit at the back with a new partner but everything else is the same, nothing has changed and I’m happy.
I saw my friends and they were all kind. We had so much fun together. I missed my friends very much but now we are back at school playing football and basketball and learning new things.
Friends and School by Carmelle, Y6A
Friends you can’t see
Riding high lonely,
In this time moving slowly.
Everyone stays at home only
Never seeing friends,
Don’t worry tech is
Seeing our friends.
Seeing my friends now is the best feeling
Could be shy
Having school is so much fun
Over the moon the to see my friends
Other people think not
Letting some people get your feelings down is not the right thing to do
When I Wake In the Morning by Summer, Y5S
When I wake in the morning I feel fresh and good,
I am excited for the day just like I should
I’ve got to get ready and leave the house,
My siblings are still sleeping as quiet as a mouse
Seeing my friends and waving them ‘Hi, as I wave my Mum ‘Goodbye’
Seeing my friends again makes me shy but I don’t know why
But after a while I feel relaxed
That makes me happy to the max
Back to School by Akosua, Y6A
Back to school is fun and all,
And understanding the work is so much easier.
Coming to school made me occupied and not bored,
Kind friends make me feel happy,
Teachers do the best they can to make work easier and fun.
Often teachers help us from time to time so we are never stuck.
School is fun!
Caring friends cheer you up when you are feeling down.
Help is always there.
Occasionally we have fun activities to do in our subjects.
Obedience is key.
Lucky lucky me!
Sikhism by Nanki, Y5S
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was the founder of Sikhism. Guru Nanak Dev Ji carried the beacon of truth and truthful living into the world entrenched in the darkness of ritual superstitious practices. He was born in a small village called Talwandi in 1469. He got married and had two children. He was called by god at his eternal abode and was asked to convey the divine message to the world. He travelled up to china in the north, Sri Lanka in the south, Mecca in the west and Decca in the east. People loved him wherever he went.
The Sikh prayers
The timing and the names of the daily Sikh prayers follows:
The morning prayers
1.japji sahib
2.jaap sahib
3.tav parsaad sawaiye
4.chaupai sahib
5.anand sahib
The afternoon prayers
1.rehras sahib
The night prayers
1.kirtan sohila
Romeo and Juliet: The Battle Between Mercutio and Tybalt by Amos, Y6S
Have a look at Amos’ brilliant storyboard of the key fight between Mercutio and Tybalt.
To make it larger, click here.
Hinduism by Kirtan, Y4
Hinduism is a really religious religion.
Paragraph 1
Brahman is a very special god to the Hindus because he is the god of creation and Hindus believe he gives life to everything. We can’t see Brahman, so instead Hindus use a symbol to show.
Paragraph 2
Outside a mandir are steps Hindus touch their feet to show respect and take of their shoes to let God know and a mandir stretches over to the shrine.
A Letter to George Using Suffixes by Jia, Y2
Dear George,
We feel sadness when you left us. We have resentment in our hearts. We feel abandonment by your absence. We felt disappointment when you left. The house feels emptiness and quietness without you.
Lots of love,
Mum and Dad
The Dragon Catcher by Raynell, Y2
On a sunny, hot Sunday, Lucy discovered the first dinosaur. These dinosaurs were particularly strange in colour. She saw flashes of the darkest-red and blue wherever she went. They seemed to be spying on her from the shadows of the house. They were hiding behind the living room curtains, under the table in the bedroom and even inside the toilet! No one in her house noticed the dinosaurs. Unnoticed and unseen, the dinosaurs were just like Lucy.
At the beginning, Lucy didn’t feel a sense of loneliness as the dinosaurs came and helped her with her homework. As the dinosaurs were helping her, she felt more comfortable with the dinosaurs. They were extremely quick at getting the Maths done! But after a while, they ruined everything because they ripped the books, they kicked the mugs and they broke all of the chairs. Lucy went to the library and took out a dinosaur book and read about how she could send the dinosaurs back to where they came from. In books she discovered that they lived in a place called Dinosaur Land.
Once she returned home the strangest and weirdest thing happened. Lucy heard a big loud crash! In her closet she saw a wicked man hidden behind her brother’s clothes. The man told her “Take this potion and pour it onto the clothes. Then wrap each dinosaur in them so that they are sent back to where they live. It will take them back home in a single second! But before you do that make sure you only pick the red and blue tops as these are the dinosaurs favourite colours!” Then the man disappeared. Lucy was now alone. Now she knew what to do Lucy was thrilled. The dinosaur said goodbye and off they went.
Children in Nursery have been reading The Naughty Bus, which has stimulated their writing and their mark making. Check out, from left to right, top to bottom, the work that Berekia, Daniel, Jed, Kasey, Selasi, Trinity and Veera did. Well done Nursery!
Epsom Derby Disaster by Beren, Y6S
5th June 1913,
The Epsom Derby was one of the most celebrated races of the year. However, Emily Davison caused chaos when she stood on the race track in front of the king’s horse with her suffragette flag. Unfortunately, the horse ran into Davison and badly injured her. Doctor Parker quickly rushed to her and saw that she was in a bad state.
Bystanders were shocked by what happened and people couldn’t understand why Emily decided to stand on the race track. King George himself said “I am deeply saddened by this tragic event. It was horrifying to watch”. Some might say that she tried to commit suicide. However, her friend told us “She would not thus have died without writing a farewell message to her mother”. This suggests she wasn’t planning to kill herself. Others have claimed that she wanted to put a WPSU scarf on the king’s horse.
Further investigations are still being carried out and no one knows if Emily Davison will survive after the horrific event.
St Matthias Times by Michael, Y6S
5th June 1913,
A crowd of people had gathered around to see the most celebrated and well known races of each year, the Epsom Derby. Unfortunately, things didn’tdid not go as well as the previous ones when the race was stopped, aware that an unknown accident had been discovered. Emily Wilding Davidson was knocked out when the King’s steed Amner ran into her. This had occurred when she had supposedly gone onto the pathway with her hands in the air. Eye witnesses say that “she appeared to have been clutching something – a handkerchief, perhaps – in her left-hand.” Upon impact the rider of the horse had been injured as well but not as severely as Emily. An off duty doctor and numerous peoplenumerous amounts of people rushed to help the unconscious woman she is yet to have regained her consciousness leading to people becoming quite worried. King George after the incident had made a statement, “I am deeply saddened by this tragic event. It was horrifying to watch.” It appears that the WSPU has not made any claims on this matter despite Emily being a part of the society. Nevertheless this was a truly depressing incident, we are still waiting for updates on the matter we will report to you as soon as possible.
Signing Off,
Terrifying Incident Shocks King by Maysie, Y6S
5th June 1913,
On the 4th June 1913, at Epsom Racecourse in Surrey, Emily Wilding Davidson suffered a tragic accident. She walked in front of the King’s own horse, Anmar and lifted her arms over her head. Emily and the horse collided violently sending her flying. She was knocked out and so was the jockey.
Davidson used to be a school teacher until she decided to commit her life to helping the WSPU and their cause of Votes for Women. People close to her said she was wild and unpredictable. Last year she attacked a priest mistaking him for the chancellor.
The King gave us a statement through one of his spokesmen. He said ‘I am deeply saddened by this tragic event.’ One of the crowd members responded ‘Poor soul. No-one realised what she was doing until it was too late.’
Davidson is still lying unconscious in hospital with a fractured skull. Nonone knows why she flung herself in front of the King’s horse. Did she try to kill herself or did she do it to bring attention to her cause?
The Gruffalo by Maya, YR
Maya listened to The Gruffalo song and then drew and labelled her own picture of the Gruffalo!
Click here to see a bigger version of it. Can you spot all of the features that Maya has drawn?
Children in Year 6 have been writing recipe poems inspired by Benjamin Zephaniah’s The British.
Teamwork Soup by Preet, Y6S
When you need help
What do you do ?
You can call a team to the rescue
All you need to do is follow this recipe
Get your chef hat on and your apron tied back
We are about to cook something with no doubt
First thing first, chop up the patience and mix carefully while it mixes with the teamwork.
Next we need to make sure that
You now boil courage for 2 minutes and add to the pot.
Thirdly peel kindness gently because it is fragile and add it to the pot.
Finally we add the special ingredient unity.
Now mix the ingredients for 5 minutes and a sprinkle of laughter.
Now you have your loving teamwork soup.
St Matthias by Akosua, Y6A
First grab some teachers and hard working students,
Mix them together with motivation and determination and leave it to set,
When golden, pour in some chairs and a stable table and let them simmer.
Once finished, take another pot and separate KS2 from KS1 and KS1 from reception and nursery and let it cook all the way through.
Finally chop lunch and a playground then let it settle.
Warning: remember to put rules in place because if you don’t there will always be ruckus and chaos
A Successful Team by Maysie, Y6S
Take some kind teachers, helpful children and mix with focus.
Before stepping into the classroom remove all laziness.
Blend teamwork and active workers together.
Add caring and inspiring teachers.
Sprinkle 200 children across the fun playground.
Combine a slide, a football pitch and some swings.
Remove all arguments and fights and leave sharing and peace to settle.
Crumble fitness, fruit, vegetables and healthiness into the bowl.
Drizzle long tables of friendship over the top and enjoy.
Serve with chatter, laughter or noisiness.
Warning: if the ingredients aren’t all diverse then the school won’t rise.
A Recipe for 6A by Shiarna, Y6A
Start with a spoon of understanding,
Then add a teaspoon of Rebecca.
Mix her with a cup of kind Kyra.
Add a drop of Kimisha, Aliyah,
and Zachariah.
Season with a lot of joy
as well as, a pinch of kindness.
Turn up to a high heat,
boil for 15 minutes.
After boiling, bring back down to a low heat,
let it simmer.
Now add a pinch of Noah for added spice,
mix with a tablespoon of joyful Jayden,
Ka’shaye, Harry, Josiah and Bright.
Mix in 2 liters of sweet Rhea,
Akosua, Khloe Carmelle,
Roshelle, Scarlette,
La’tasia and Reyelle.
Add a sprinkle of classrooms,
one playground, one lunch hall (assembly)
and a pair of school gates.
Add a healthy dose of Miss Khan,
with one gram of Mr Al and Miss september
Add a lot of knowledge and stir well for 5 minutes.
Add some unity, understanding and respect for the future and serve.
Unity by Baah, Y6S
Add unity
mix up your goals blend in teamwork
sprinkle several people spice it up with diversity fry up some courage roll up nursery reception Key stage one and 2 sizzle up some teachers and a headmaster
roast up a playground whisk up fun and adventure take a cup of love and dedication pour on a dollop of lunch
Warning: without love there will be dullness
A Successful School by Michael, Y6S
First, take a handful of courage, understanding, and care
and combine the ingredients stir at a slow pace.
Once thickened, get a cup of Teachers and pour them in with the mixture
make sure to cover them with the paste.
After, take them out and leave them to settle at room temperature.
Whilst that happens, take a bowl of learning and intelligence and pour it over the teachers once ready.
Save some for later.
Roll out some dough, add respect, a pinch of humor and kindness and keep on rolling, then put in the oven until the sides are slightly charred with the middle a golden brown.
Then pour the remaining mixture of learning onto it and leave to rest.
When ready bring the children and teachers into a spare box and there you go! A classroom!
Not enough kindness will destroy the children’s will to learn, make sure you add enough!
Treating one of the sides better than the other will make the box fall apart, keep it equal and respect both of them.
Children in Year 6 have been writing using prepositions and superlatives. Can you spot them?
Prepositions by Preet, Y6S
In the morning Scruff jumped out of bed and walked down the stairs to eat breakfast. She poured milk on her cereal and sat down to eat.There was a knock at the door and she leapt over her coffee table and ran to answer it.Beside the door was a parcel! She brought the box inside and put it between the sofa and the armchair. She sat next to the box. Excitedly she opened it and inside was a present from her friend who lived far away. Hidden under the present was a note. It said “ I hope you like this gift, maybe we can play this together.”There was another knock on the door.Scuff opened it and in front of the door stood her friend. What a surprise!
Superlatives by Ceykan, Y6S
The Life Cycle of a Butterfly by Scarlett, Y6A
Scarlett has been practising her Google Slides skills when working from home. We’re so impressed by her publishing that we wanted to share it here!
‘Blue Penguin’ Story Map by Joellianna, YR
Joellianna created her own story map after listening to ‘Blue Penguin’. Can you follow the story map?
My Animal Song by Gurshmanprit, Y1
Elephants are grey,
Tigers hunt prey,
Lions are kings,
They have fence rings,
Monkeys are cheeky,
Giraffes are long,
Bulls have horns.
My Opening Scene by Favour O, Y5A
On the hillside, white, woolly sheep stood out like polka dots on a green canvas as they roamed freely on the wild island.
Sturdy, wooden huts clustered together on the rocky landscape and their warm, flickering lanterns glowed in the dark night.
Outside, in the weary weather the innocent and clueless sheep grazed on the lush grass as the huge dragons circled around them ready to grab one.
Ganesh by Daniel, Y2
As Ganesh was eating his mango, Kartikeya rushed into the library and almost fell over. Above his head his hands were waving and flapping.
“Brother! We can hold a feast for Buddhi. So let’s have a fight” shouted Kartikeya.
Ganesh raised his head and refused to fight. Kartikeya said let’s races around the world. Ganesh asked are there any rules or can we do it my way? Kartikeya said you can race anyway you like. Ganesh said ok before Kartikeya run out of the library.
Kartikeya raced up to the mountain without a second thought. He couldn’t help but think about Gansha and what he was doing. How sad he would feel if he lost the race! When he got to the top of the mountian he felt on top of the world. When he saw the eagles he felt scared and frightened at what might happen to him.
When Kartikeya entered the feast, he saw people dancing, talking and eating. He had a fuzzy feeling in his tummy. For some time, he had thought to himself had his brother told him the truth? Looking over at Genesh, Kartikeya started to clenched his fists and walk very quickly to him.
The Borrowers by Nyah, Y4
Silently, Pod began his mission and lifted anxiously to the enormous table. Will all of his strength, the miniature man clenched onto the blistering rope. In the pitch-black room, the tiny borrower swung his leg onto the colossal table top.
In the doll’s house, Pod creeped silently through the tiny doll’s house. While at the tiny house window, the sneaky man tugged the curtains to allow the bright light to flow through. As he moved the curtain, an enormous eye peeked at the miniature man.
Pod had been seen.
Children in Year 1 have been writing fact files all about tigers! Look at Lachlan, Luna R and Jaheim’s work below.
Harriet Tubman: A Biography by Akosua, Y6A
This biography is all about the life of Harriet Tubman and how she risked her life for others. Harriet Tubman who was a nurse, a civil rights activist as well as an Underground railroad conductor helped several people to freedom, read on to find out more about Harriet Tubman in the following paragraph.
Early life
Arminta Ross better known as Harriet Tubman was born enslaved in Maryland USA March 1822 at the age of five or six Harriet was rented out as a nursemaid where she was whipped if the baby cried which had a detrimental effect on Harriet and left her with permanent physical and emotional scars. Around the age of seven Harriet was rented out to a planter to set muskrat traps.
In her early teens Harriet started working on the fields and because she disobeyed what her slave master told her to do (tie up a slave) she faced serious consequences (she got hit in the head) that followed her for the rest of her life. After a while Harriet led herself, her family and relatives to freedom, I will explain that in more detail in the next subheading.
Leading others to freedom
In 1849 Harriet fled to freedom in the North only to come back to the south and save her family slowly, one group at a time Harriet began bringing relatives with her, fleeing through a passage called the Underground Railroad that leads you to the North where having slaves were illegal. Not long after Harriet started freeing numerous numbers of enslaved people and earned the nickname ‘Moses’ or ‘General Tubman’ to her admirers.
To conclude, this biography was all about Harriet Tubman and her honourable life that she risked to free enslaved people.
Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.
-Harriet Tubman
My Opening Scene by Noah, Y3
The inky sky shone over the soft sand. Dazzling stars danced above 2 hunched men sitting on tired camels. Rapidly, the suspicious looking men claimed a sand dune.
The squat man leaped off his camel and slowly tiptoed to the front of the taller man’s camel.
Out from under his cloak, the short, fat man pulled out a gleaming half beetle and held it in his dirty hands. Swooping down quickly, the parrot that was on the tall man’s shoulder snatched it and dropped it into his owners hand. Jaffar took his half out and combined the two.
My Opening Scene by Abel, Y5S
On the hillside, white, fluffy sheep stood out like white, round dots as they roamed freely on the remote wild island.They had freedom as they ran and lived happily on the natural, independent island. As the naive sheep ran around the scrumptious, succulent grass, dragons swooped in the black, dark sky. Sturdy, wooden, warm huts huddle very closely like a calm community on a craggy landscape and their bright flickering lanterns glowed in the dark night. The new suburban, french houses decorated the mountain with a nice sight and view. Outside the viewed in, unsuspecting, innocent sheep grazed calmly on the lush green grass as dragons swiftly swooped down to the ground.
My Opening Scene by Tabatha, Y3
As the inky sky darkened, the glowing moon shone brightly over the vast desert. The stars glimmered like fireflies. Below the cold sky, a shadowy figure waited impatiently on top of a steep sand dune.
Suddenly,a galloping horse rode to join the first man.A fat man with ragged clothes jumping off his horse and stood with the other man looming over him. The yellow eyes of the horse and the man seemed to pierce his skin in the darkness.
Children in EYFS have been practising their writing and their mark making. Check out, from left to right, the work that Malachi, Mc’kai, Berekia, Iylah, Selasi and Veera have done. Well done Early Years!
A Letter to the UN by Akosua, Y6A
To UN,
The purpose behind this letter is to raise concerns regarding the accessibility to free education.
Although several children worldwide are fortunate enough to have a free education, unfortunately accordingly the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 264million children are deprived of the opportunity to a free education. We need to work towards changing this. In this letter I will highlight the problems where I believe attention is needed.
The problem arises when parents without adequate resources are unable to afford school fees for their children. This will increase the likelihood of future unemployment and sustained poverty; which will have a detrimental impact on the economy of the various countries.
Another issue is that the dreams of these children will be denied. Some of these children have great potential but would be oblivious to their potential due to the lack of exposure to education. More often than not many children have to work to contribute to their family earnings. Their working conditions could be brutal; it’s even caused fatalities in worse case scenarios. Jobs like mining can cause continuous coughing and breathing difficulties. According to, whilst being interviewed 19% of the children had seen a child die on an artisanal mining site, 87% had experienced body pain and may have been injured while 67% reported a frequent or persistent cough.
This state of affairs is untenable and a blight on global goals towards civilised and just societies. Without the right to free education the welfare and potential of young children is compromised and much needed medicinal and scientific breakthroughs may never be realised.
Yours sincerely,
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
– Nelson Mandela
Our children who attend Hackney Pirates have been doing some fantastic work! We’re so proud of the amazing progress they’ve made in their reading and writing. Here are some examples of their work.
The Strangest Day by Derona, Y6S
I woke up feeling very excited. Today is the day I will be going to Butlins!
My happiness slithered out of me and burst through the whole house and soon the whole house was happy.
I ran up to my sister’s room and woke her up. Let’s just say she wasn’t happy! “Hey, why did you do that?” she yelled. “Because today we’re going to Butlins!” I sung happily. We rushed down the stairs and rapidly ate our breakfast and ran into the car.
After 3 gruelling hours we were finally there. “OMG finally,” I said, “we are there”. Not even a second after I begged my mom if we could go on the ride and she said yes.
We ran quickly along the pavement only to be greeted by a nice long line, so we waited and waited until finally we managed to get onto the ride.
“Whooooooosh!” my sister yelled, somehow managing to unbuckle her seatbelt. “Aaah my baby!” my mom screamed.
While my mom was freaking out, I could be heard laughing to death. By now, the man who controlled the ride was alarmed and pushed the big bold button.
Poof, the ride stopped and we got off. The strange thing about this was that my sister asked my mom to go on another ride like she just forgot what happened.
And that was the strangest day of my life.
The Lovely Park by Bright, Y6A
As I ride to the park on my new black bike
I felt confident to ride and swish through the night
The green peas grass swished left and right
The fresh air passes through my nose I am extremely exhausted
I lay down on the soft smooth grass
Taking a relaxing nap I woke up with bloodshot eyes
And my dad says “time to go” I will come back again to this lovely park
But until then it must remain in my dreams and in my heart!
The Strangest Day by Indiana, Y6S
The mouse Vacuum on, the grey mouse had its beady eyes on my mum. Terror-stricken, the mouse ran from side to side. Banging, screaming, my mum’s face froze in fear. The grey mouse quivered.
Our hearts were pumping! Blood gushed to my head. Out of nowhere, the mouse came out of hiding. Then my mum wondered how we could get rid of this problem for good?
In a blink of an eye, the mouse ran at full speed looking for a hiding spot. The mouse finally went back into the boiler room where it belongs. As time goes on, another mouse came out of nowhere.
My mum was so scared that she ran faster than light and crashed into the broken bin. Even though she was injured she picked up her broom and tried to hit the mouse.
We saw the mouse’s disgusting dusty pink legs run across the room. The screams were loud, but for some strange reason I was laughing. I was laughing so hard I nearly fell off the chair. My sister was screaming so loud I thought my ears were going to fall off! After she was done screaming we began laughing together.
When my mum had finished brushing the mouse out of the room, we sat down and had a warm cup of hot chocolate.
A few weeks later, we had caught two mice and got rid of our mouse problem. It’s been four months since I last saw a mouse. Now I hope to never see another mouse again. Mouse sticky paper really works!
London Zoo by Baah, Y6S
Seeing lions, tigers and all that other stuff
I felt a volcano bubbling in me
ready to
Smelling animal waste especially RHINO
I felt like I should PUKE my delicious food
Smelling my sandwich my mouth watered like a tsunami
Smart chimps wandering round their enclosures
BABIES SCREAMING and CRYING waiting for their MAMA’S milk
Glistening tears covered their eyes I wondered if they ever stop
People OOH and AAH like they were animals themselves
DYING to go outside I shouted
My head felt heavy as I left the GIANT ZOO.
Writing from home? That hasn’t stopped our incredible writers in Year 5!
A retell of The Grinch by Soraya, Y5A
It must have been a while since the Grinch played without hate. Then he had a very unpleasant idea. To steal all the christmas joy that the others had. IT WAS a mean old thing to do. But the grinch did not back down. He went to who-vile all sad and bad but he waited till dawn so he didn’t go mad. Wondering why he might go mad? Because of all the singing in who-vile! The laughter, THE HAPPINESS.
In the evening, it was time to strike. He went into the Lou house for they had so many decorations, that the grinch would love to take down. So he went in through the windows and saw the glistening christmas lights on the beautiful christmas tree. He sighed in disgust at how it all looked he started pulling down what took long to put up. Then all of a sudden a lovely little girl called Cindy-Lou, she looked flabbergasted that her house looked dull. The grinch rapidly left leaving poor Cindy-Lou in tears.
The grinch smirked and laughed and went back to his filthy cave. He was the happiest he has ever been….well we don’t know that. But it was happening christmas was getting ruined by THE GRINCH….Oh noooo……
A retell of The Grinch by Cassidy, Y5A
The next day The Grinch went from alluring decorated houses to another. At the end of the day he was done and what he had did pleased his distraught needs. He returned back to his rock solid cave filled with ice. After all of those Christmas house present robberies Max was worn out. Soon the Grinch sent Max to sleep and the sly creature slept on his bed as if it was heaven.
The morning he woke up and was hoping to hear the gloomy cries of the Hoo Children. Instead of that he heard angelic hymns being sung. The crafty man for once in his life felt bad. KNOCK KNOCK! Oh my lord who is it. What a eye opener it was to see little Cindy Loo Hoo standing right in front of the Grinch.” Santy Claus Where are our precious presents …” The Grinch just stood there and thought about what he had done. ”Mr Nick if you want to come for dinner be there at s- six.” mentioned the adorable little girl. The Grinch was ready to fix all of this mess that he had caused. Of he was to confess his sin to the entire of Hoo-Ville. ” I stole all your presents and I have them all here.”confessed the Grinch.
Everyone was now filled with jubilation because they have all their presents back.The Grinches Rock hard heart began to soften like a pillow and grow like a tree as Cindy hugged him. The Grinch was now pure. The Grinch went back home to get Max and his tie that he had just recently washed. Ding Dong! Cindys bell had been rang. ”Hewo Mr Gwinch.” said Cindy The Grinch replied ”Hello Cindy.” The Grinch walked in and everyone acted the same. The Grinch did the honours of Cutting the Grinch and he was now a good man. He could finally say he was a good man and no longer oozy and crafty.
Children in Year 4 have published this amazing book about their mythical creatures. Inside are fantastic stories and illustrations.
Year 3 has been trying really hard to improve their writing. This week, they wrote letters to Year 2 explaining how they have tried to encourage the Tear Thief. They are really enjoying this book and this comes across in their excellent writing. Well done Year 3!
Helping the Tear Thief by Jane, Y3
Helping the Tear Thief by Mazin, Y3
Helping the Tear Thief by Roshni, Y3
Helping the Tear Thief by Chimobi, Y3
An extract from The African Wild Dog by Baah, Y6S
Africa is an unknown land for us Hackney dwellers, but it’s home to a very social mammal. Did you know the African wild dog lives up to groups of 40? They have up to litters of 12 or more but usually 6.This beautiful coloured creature might not be found anymore. They hunt medium sized ruminants such as gazelle and they hunt together. They are one of the most endangered mammals on the earth. There scientific name is Lycaon Pictus and are 30 inches tall. They weigh 40-70 lbs. Small but in control. They are less than 10,000 in the wild. It’s time to start saving the African wild dog isn’t ?
Africa is the home of the African wild dog. Unfortunately, The evil deeds of humanity are destroying their lives. There population has decreased because of accidental and targeted kills and selling their fur for money. However, the WWF are creating protected areas, it has become illegal to kill African wild dogs. People still carry on which is putting them in grave danger. Zoos are helping by doing breeding programmes.
An extract from The Hectors Dolphin by Derona, Y6S
Can we save the Hectors Dolphin?
The world is full of many different wonderful things but today we are bringing our attention to the Hectors Dolphin located in west New Zealand. Did you know these graceful creatures are the smallest but rarest animal to live? The hectors dolphin loves to live in shallow waters. There estimated life span is up to 20 years. To communicate they use an extraordinary noises that are as loud as an air jet. These amazing animals can weigh up to 110 pounds and are four feet imagine that. Cool fact there ears are shaped like mickey mouse’s how funny. Disastrously, there are only 55 of these dolphins left this is due to plastic waste getting caught in the gills which is causing them to suffocate. We need to change for the better .
Whilst some may believe the hectors dolphin is not extinct many are dying every day due to our waste.
We can save the Hectors Dolphin?
Tragically , people have rebuilt this earth to please them. Unfortunately, many animals have impacted from this in this case the hectors dolphin. This playful creature has slowly been losing it’s home. Boats and plastic waste these are the reason why the dolphin is going extinct. As the old saying goes once there is a will there is a way and they are right. There is a way.
My Inspiration by Maysie, Y6S
Have you ever had someone who has inspired you? That person that makes you think “I want to make a change.” That person who makes you want to change the world and make it a better place.
Greta Thunberg wants to help the world and is kind brave and courageous. At first she made small changes like becoming vegan and stopped using aeroplanes.
Next, she stopped going to school for three weeks just to hand out leaflets to raise awareness about the world. Some people say it was a bad idea for her to stop going to school but I say it was ok because no-one was doing anything but harm the environment.
Greta famously said “You are never too small to make a difference.” This means you are never too young to make a change about what you believe in.
She has inspired me to:
If we all did this we would change the world into a better place.
Not only has Maysie written an excellent piece of writing around how Greta Thunberg has inspired her but she has also created a presentation on how orangutans are endangered. Thank you Maysie for helping us learn more about something that is impacting the planet so much. Click here to see Maysie’s presentation.
The Moon by Fareedah, Y1
A Letter to the Treasury Committee by Isaac, Y5A
Isaac, one of our School Parliament Treasurers, wrote a letter to the government’s Treasury Committee and he received some responses! Can you think of what you would write to your local MP?
Click here to read Isaac’s letter. Click here to see Steve Baker MP’s response, here for Siobhain McDonagh MP’s reponse, here for Rushanara Ali MP’s response and here for Mel Stride MP’s response.
Friends by Isabelle, Y5A
It was Isabelle’s last day at St Matthias today and she wanted to share a comic that she had made about friendships. Click here to see it in full.
If Dogs Were At School by Paulette, Y5S
Want to know what would happen if dogs were at school? Well, Paulette’s comic will tell you! She has worked so hard on this amazing comic, which has a thoughtful story and brilliant illustrations.
Who Inspires Me? by Roshelle, Y6S
A person who inspires me is my dad. I chose him because, even when I am upset, he is kind, caring and understanding, and always helps me to never give up, but to reach my goals.
I have many good memories with him such as when I was little, he would pretend to be Santa Clause on Christmas Day.
He inspires me because he always teaches me to work hard.
I Am A Child From St Matthias by Kaylan, Y2
I Am A Child From St Matthias by Hawa, Y2
I Am Everything by Jeremy, Y2
A Refugee Story by Shemaia, Y5A
The water towered above me fiercely over my head, my mum was cuddling me fearing me to death.
The violent wave was making the boat rock, now I wet my only sock.
I was shivering cold as I should be, finding a home with people like me.
As the town was devoured, homes getting deducted.
Time after time the boat was rocking. It was nearly Christmas so where was my stocking?
This part was very sad but now I’m actually glad.
The rusty old tent where the children played, every day and night that was where they stayed.
The destroyed wash line by the blazing sun, I felt no wind but it shone.
A new country happy with people like me. Somewhere I can never be lonely.
Bustling bus with people inside. Now there’s nowhere else to hide.
Shemaia is currently reading The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Q. Rauf, which is a story about a Syrian refugee who starts at a new school.
A Poem About Teachers found by Favour S, Y5S
Every day you greet your students with your face,
Though paperwork the night before seems like a gruelling race.
Money’s not your motivation, it’s a love for what you do,
You hear that special calling to which you always will stay true.
Your students are your dedication, devotion is to them,
To you, each child’s unique and special, a beautiful little gem.
Some days are just demanding and frustration takes its course,
Then you see those little faces, their inspiration is your force.
Each day you’re in your classroom reminds you why you’re there,
Making differences in children’s lives with whom your heart you share.
There’s a special pride in teachers, and a love for what you do,
And appreciation’s always shared between those little lives and you.