23 Mar HiP Hackney Events – Updated
Please see below for all of the events that HiP Hackney will be putting on over the coming weeks.
Exploring the Legal Position of SEND Support
On Wednesday 24th March at 7pm, leading SEND specialist barrister, Steve Broach, will be discussing settings’ responsibilities to support children and young people who need SEND support, and what parents can do to ensure this support is given.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Click here to register.
Open Forum Meetings
Thursday 25th March @ 9:45am
With invited guests; Short Breaks Manager, Katherine Doyle & Cllr Caroline Woodley
Our monthly Open Forum meetings are an informal space for parents and carers to share their lived experience of SEND provision and care in Hackney. The Forum is a friendly space where members can connect, share resources and support each other.
Join us on Thursday 25th March at 9:45am for a look ahead at Short Breaks in 2021. Katherine Doyle, Short Breaks Manager for Hackney, will give feedback to previous questions, give us an overview of the SB offer and hear parents’ experiences. Individual cases cannot be dealt with at the session. Councillor Caroline Woodley will be present to capture families’ experiences.
Click here to register.
Food Pantry on Thursdays, 1-3pm @ Our Place Hackney, 1 Alpine Rd E9 7BY
HIP will be distributing bags of surplus food free to families of children with SEND and people in the local community who may be experiencing food poverty with an option to make a minimum donation.
For more details contact info@hiphackney.org.uk or ring 07985739851
Health and Wellness starting on Monday 29th March @ 11:00AM
Get involved with HIP and become part of an informed and supported community of parents/carers. Parents will receive weekly sessions with a qualified holistic therapist and trainer. Includes guided meditations, practical tools, and exercises to develop gratitude and compassion. Support to develop new strategies, daily routines, and good self-care, helping to reduce mental overwhelm.
Click here to register.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
We hope to see lots of you there.
Autism Parent Coffee Mornings
Autism Parent Coffee are a facilitated session for parents with children with autism to meet professionals and share ideas.
There are limited places for these sessions and you must contact the service to book a place.There are 2 therapists from different services you can book to discuss ideas and concerns with..
Talk to an Occupational Therapist for ideas on independence and sensory issues.
When? Fourth Wednesday of Every Month
Time: 10-15am – 11:15amTalk to a Clinical Psychologist for ideas on supporting emotions and behaviour
When? Fourth Wednesday of Every Month
Time: 11.30am -12:30pmHow can I book a place for one or both of these options?
There are limited places for these sessions.
Your child must already be known to Hackney Ark for you to be eligible to attend these sessions.
Phone: 0207 014 7071
email: huh-tr.camd@nhs.net
Education Psychology Parent Advice Sessions
The Parent Advice Sessions are run independently of the Educational Psychology Service work in schools.
They are open to:
- all children and families living in Hackney including those children not yet in school
- children who are out of school
- children who live in Hackney and attend school in other boroughs
What happens during the session?
This is an opportunity for parents and carers to have a discussion about concerns that they may have about their children or young person.
We can help by talking through your concerns about your child, their development, any special educational needs that you may be aware of or
We can give you advice about:
- behaviour at home or school
- learning at home or school
- your child’s special educational needs
- anxiety, wellbeing and mental health
Contact the service to discuss the availability of appointments.
Phone: 020 8820 7519
Hackney SENDIAGS Online Drop-in Sessions
information, advice and support to parents and carers’ of children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) and young people
and children with SEND. Hackney SENDIAGS have moved their drop-in advice sessions online starting from Tuesday 9th March 2021.
Do you need help to:
- prepare for a school meeting in order to have an effective say in any discussions
- know what questions to ask when accessing a virtual tour of a school
- make sure that your child’s needs are being met at school, college or nursery
- think about your contribution to an assessment
- go through an EHC needs assessment request
- go through a draft EHC Plan
- Prepare for an Annual Review meeting and make sure your views are included
You can discuss your situation and receive information, advice and support from one of our trained advisers.
For any more information please contact us.
Email: SENDIAGS@hackney.gov.uk
Phone: 07500 066 513
Hackney NAS Group Mental Health and Well-Being Session
- how to manage anxiety and crises
- activities you can do at home
- strategies to support distress,and
- the importance of self-care when parenting.
For more information, please email: hackney.group@nas.org.uk Phone: 07397 572977
Help Use Celebrate Autism Awareness Week and the Talents and Skills of Fantastic Children and Young People
Please encourage your young people with autism to submit projects expressing what their autism means to them, with a particular focus on strengths or ‘superpowers’.
This invitation is open to all those with an autism diagnosis; although aimed at children with some understanding of what this means so probably year 5s and older.
Younger children are also welcome to get involved with parent or carer support. Please submit the projects you have made to lydia.scaletti@hackney.gov.uk by Friday 26th March.
An invitation to a celebratory online event will then be sent to all children and young people who took part.
This information has been shared in advance with schools SENCOs.
Suggested inspiration and tips follow:
Films – Make a short two minute video talking about your special interest, or particular qualities you have.
These films might give you some inspiration:
- Listen to Great Thunberg talk about her why her autism is her superpower
- Listen to Talia Grant talking about her autism and how it affected her experience of school
- Have a look at other examples of short films made by young people with autism, or sometimes by their siblings
Poetry – Write an acrostic poem about autism or a shape poem that paints a picture of your talent or interest.
For inspiration read poems from the “spectrum poems” and “actual autistic Poets”.
Art – Draw and decorate your own superhero to show your particular strengths or superpowers.
Explore Autistic Artists as inspiration for making your own artwork.
Music – If you’re into music, make a song or rap to share. Listen to Robyn Steward for inspiration.
Supporting Your Child’s SEND Learning and Development at Home
What will you learn on the course?
* gaining insights into how children learn
* developing knowledge and skills to support learning activities
* improving your understanding of how behaviour can impact learning
* building your confidence and ability as a parent and carer by reflecting on your own experiences and those of others
How will the course be delivered?
This five-week course is delivered remotely twice a week (Tuesdays and Wednesdays) on Zoom.The course is led by an experienced SEND specialist teacher, Shirley Tivey.